Zelenskyy Names ‘Spirit Cooking’ Satanist Marina Abramović AMBASSADOR for Ukraine, BUILD Schools 😬

Title: Zelenskyy Names ‘Spirit Cooking’ Satanist Marina Abramović AMBASSADOR for Ukraine, BUILD Schools 😬

As an active observer of current events and the art world, I find it outrageous that Marina Abramović, a controversial figure known for her involvement in satanic rituals, is being considered as an ambassador for Ukraine. In this review, I will delve into the concerning aspects of Abramović’s work and explore the accusations that have surrounded her, shedding light on the impact and influence individuals like her might have on society.

The Controversy Surrounding Marina Abramović:

  1. Satanic Rituals and Symbolism in Her Art:
    Abramović’s exhibitions have come under scrutiny due to satanic rituals and symbolism present in her work. Critics argue that her art blurs the boundaries between creativity and dark entities, making it an uncomfortable subject for public representation.

  2. Interactive Art Gone Too Far:
    In one incident, Abramović invited visitors to interact with her, resulting in a shocking and dangerous encounter. A loaded gun was once held to her head during such an exhibition, raising questions about the boundaries of art and the safety of both the artist and the audience.

  3. The Gruesome Nature of Her Work:
    Abramović’s art often involves macabre elements such as slicing throats, the use of fake blood, and cutting up bodies. While some argue that these expressions are part of her artistic vision, others find it disturbing and question the motivations behind such displays.

Accusations and Associations:

  1. Links to Hillary Clinton and “Spirit Cooking”:
    Allegations of Satanism have been associated with Hillary Clinton and her Chief of Staff, with emails referencing “spirit cooking” involving Abramović. These accusations have generated considerable controversy and led to further scrutiny of Abramović’s work and associations.

  2. The Artist’s Defense:
    Despite the controversy surrounding her art, Abramović claims that the aforementioned dinner and her work are purely about spirituality. While she maintains that the blood, nudity, pain, and tension incorporated into her art are symbolic expressions, her associations continue to raise eyebrows.

Questioning The Ambassadorship Decision:

  1. Concerns over Satanic Symbolism and Rituals:
    The association of Abramović with satanic symbolism and rituals raises concerns about the values being promoted by Ukraine. Diplomatic representation should reflect the positive values and aspirations of a nation, making Abramović’s potential appointment worrisome for many.

  2. Exploring Better Choices:
    In light of the controversy, it becomes crucial for Ukraine to evaluate alternative candidates who align more closely with promoting positive values. This way, the nation can ensure its ambassador effectively represents its cultural, artistic, and societal facets.

Concluding Thoughts:
Marina Abramović’s controversial background and association with satanic symbolism and rituals should not be overlooked. While her art may be intended to evoke strong emotions and challenge societal norms, it is essential to deeply reflect on the influence and impact individuals like her might have on the broader socio-cultural landscape. Ukraine, as a nation seeking to project an image of progress and prosperity, should carefully consider the potential consequences of an association with a figure who has garnered such controversy.

In the end, the decision should be made with great care and consideration, keeping in mind the shared values and aspirations of the Ukrainian people.As the country strives to build schools and foster educational development, it is important to select an ambassador who embodies positive values and contributes to the nation’s growth. The role of an ambassador goes beyond representing the country diplomatically; they serve as cultural ambassadors as well, reflecting the nation’s values, aspirations, and artistic heritage. Marina Abramović, with her association with satanic symbolism and rituals, does not seem to align with the positive vision Ukraine aims to project.

It is essential to question the impact that individuals like Marina Abramović can have on society. While art is undoubtedly a powerful form of expression, it is equally important to ensure that the messages conveyed through that art align with the promotion of positive values and societal well-being. Ukraine, as a nation seeking progress and growth, should carefully scrutinize the influence and impact that an ambassador like Abramović might have.

Moreover, the selection of an ambassador sets a precedent for future appointments and sends a message to the rest of the world about the values Ukraine holds dear. By choosing an ambassador who represents positive values, creativity, and innovation without the association of controversy, Ukraine can present itself as a progressive nation eager to contribute positively to the global stage.

In conclusion, the potential appointment of Marina Abramović, a controversial figure associated with satanic rituals and symbolism, as an ambassador for Ukraine raises valid concerns. The role of an ambassador extends beyond diplomacy and involves representing the cultural heritage and values of a nation. It is crucial to choose ambassadors who reflect the positive aspirations of a country and contribute to its growth and development. Ukraine should carefully consider the potential repercussions of appointing individuals with controversial backgrounds, ensuring that the chosen ambassador aligns with the nation’s quest for progress and embodies the positive values it wishes to promote.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews