Woman Claims VEGETABLES Were Sign Daughter Was TRANS

When we went back and realized that the Pattern of everything that he had Experienced as a child including eating Green vegetables because that boosts Testosterone were just methods of his Body trying to become who he was meant To be hello my name is Dr James runnels Veterans native Internal Medicine Emergency medicine doctor and the proud Parent of transgender man who is now A PhD student and a Rhodes Scholar I'm here not as a medical expert but as An ally and I want to say that what You've heard from the last nine Witnesses has been truth and experience The previous Witnesses by and large were Scarab mongering Misinformation and agenda the reality is That transgender Realities are difficult they are medical Issues that need Close long-term Medical Care from Passionate Physicians And there is not a boogie man or a Boogie woman out there who is providing Inappropriate care to minors without Parental consent that's that's simply Not happening It can be hard to keep up with all of These advances and we really do need to Rely on on Experts such as Dr Pasternak To help guide our opinions in these Matters and make sure that we don't pass Legislation that does more harm than

Good When we first learned of our son's Transgender condition it was difficult We didn't expect it and the process of Counseling and transitioning was was Hard and it took us a while to come to Terms with it but we listened and we Learned we we got a lot of Education in The process and we are all especially Him much better for it his life has Blossomed whereas before he was under All sorts of other difficulties it is Critical to debunk these Mis Characterizations of rampant hormones And surgeries being performed with Minors without parental consent that's Simply not true as an emergency medicine Doctor I know that I can treat a minor Who shows up in the ER right then and There for emergency conditions whether Or not we have consent but we have to Slow down and pause very quickly and Catch up with consent the first chance We get thank you for listening Hello thank you so much for allowing me To be here today and for hearing my Opposition to this bill my husband Spoke at the Uh last session Um and so I'll just build on what he Said Um please introduce yourself oh I'm Sorry my name is Julie Doucet from Lafayette Parish

Um I am a lifelong resident as are all Of my family members of uh Louisiana Um I am the stay-at-home mother of four Children uh two of them are married one Has served in proudly in the Navy Um and uh then our baby is our Transgender child Uh from the jump when he was an infant He Cried and cried and cried and had Anxiety and would never sleep and we Couldn't figure out what the problem was We took him to Specialists and Neurologists and he had brain scans Trying to figure out why he couldn't Sleep Um then as he grew he got to sleeping But his food choices were odd they were Always like green vegetables raw green Vegetables which if you know kids most Kids don't like to eat those things Um and then the precocious puberty Um All of those things once we figured out Uh that he was transgender when he came To us and told us that he was Transgender when we went back and Realized that the pattern of everything That he had experienced as a child Including eating green vegetables Because that boosts testosterone were Just methods of his body trying to Become who he was meant to be His brain does not match his physiology

Hey thank you for coming today just a Reminder when that yellow light comes on You have 30 seconds so don't want to Wrap don't want to cut anybody off just Want to make sure you get your point Across too all right next speaker Um good morning my name is Peyton Rose Michelle and I am the executive director Of Louisiana trans Advocates um which Was shouted out earlier by the Supporters of this bill Um you got to hear that we have a Healthcare provider list which provides Queer people across the state with Providers that are affirming and you Heard I think I don't even know the Number but you heard that they say we Have over a hundred providers Um Some context the vast majority of those Providers I would estimate like 80 to 90 Percent of them are mental health Providers Um the very few remaining percent are Mostly Um primary care physicians and only Three people on the list are surgeons And two of them are out of state so That's some context on our healthcare Provider list Um to zoom out a bit that shows that There is so little ability to access Gender Urban care already In some ways it is already banned in

Some areas I should say I also would Like to note the gentleman that was Sitting next to representative Furman he Represents the alliance defending Freedom Splc is a Southern Poverty Law Center Identifies that group as a hate group so I think it's really interesting that the Sponsor wanted to outline himself with Someone identified was a hate group Um you know I also wanted to mention Really briefly I feel so My heart reaches out to Chloe and Pressure Um who shared their experience with you As they did also share their experiences With State legislatures across the Country Um I think somewhere around 20 other State legislatures Um so I think all in all that shows that This is an organized attack against the Rights of so few people in the state and It is inappropriate so please oppose Thank you