WOKE Insomniac Games’ Destruction of Spiderman! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 10/25/23

WOKE Insomniac Games’ Destruction of Spiderman! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 10/25/23

WOKE Insomniac Games’ Destruction of Spiderman! | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 10/25/23


As avid fans of the Spiderman franchise, we were eagerly awaiting the release of Spiderman 2, only to be disappointed by the inclusion of progressive content. The game’s creators at Insomniac Games seem to be following the trend of injecting political activism into entertainment media, and this has raised concerns among fans. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the game that have irked fans and discuss why the inclusion of progressive content may not always be appreciated by the audience.

The Replacement of Peter Parker with Miles Morales

One of the major points of contention among fans is the replacement of the beloved Peter Parker with Miles Morales as the main protagonist. While it is important to introduce diverse characters, some fans feel that this decision was motivated solely by a desire to be politically correct. The creators even explicitly stated that Miles Morales’ character was influenced by President Obama, which further adds to the perception that his inclusion was driven by an agenda rather than a genuine storytelling choice.

Potential Revelations about Miles Morales’ Multicultural Background

Another topic that has sparked discussions among fans is the potential exploration of Miles Morales’ multicultural background in relation to his sexuality. Some speculate that the game may reveal his sexual orientation, which can be seen as yet another attempt at pushing a progressive narrative. However, it is important to note that authenticity in storytelling should not be sacrificed for the sake of diversity. Fans have criticized the introduction of diversity in Spiderman without considering the need for a well-written and compelling narrative.

Political Propaganda and References to Social Movements

The Miles Morales video game has also been accused of incorporating political propaganda, including references to the Black Lives Matter movement. While it is commendable to address social issues, some fans argue that the inclusion of these elements disrupts the immersive experience and distracts from the core story. The game also features side quests involving a male classmate proposing to another male classmate, which some fans view as an unnecessary inclusion that deviates from the original Spiderman storyline.

Activism in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Unfortunately, the recently released Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 continues the trend of activism seen in its predecessor. The game introduces a lesbian version of Black Cat, which seems to be a push for representation without considering the authenticity of the character. Additionally, the Spanish version of the game includes non-binary language alterations, further diverting attention from the main storyline and catering to a specific political agenda.

In conclusion, Insomniac Games’ attempt to inject progressive content into the Spiderman franchise has not been well-received by fans. While it is important to strive for inclusivity and representation, it should never come at the expense of a well-crafted and authentic story. The introduction of diversity must be approached with care to ensure that it enhances, rather than detracts from, the overall gaming experience. Fans deserve to have their beloved characters and narratives respected without sacrificing them on the altar of political correctness.