In fact let's uh let the rereads the Rereads are out in full force because Let's face it you know Tucker is Public Enemy Number One everybody hates Tucker Carlson Um everybody wants to uh call him a Racist and all and a bigot and all these Different things and You know Tucker I don't know if you I Don't know if you guys watching the show If y'all have ever been around Tucker Very much Um but normally when we're having coffee Today together uh I'll just remind Everybody Tucker's a very Charming dude He's very nice guy uh and it's always Funny to me you remember back Um you know 10 years ago Tucker was the Guy in the bow tie I mean he was the Nerds nerd and it he was on Dancing With The Stars for crying out loud And like first or second season Dancing With the Stars and and how they could Take a guy like that and totally turn Him into the villain is amazing to me But that's the world we're living in Um but the view I mean of course they're Gonna get the news about Tucker leaving Fox and here's what happened there Fox news media and Tucker Carlson have Agreed to part ways Wave [Applause] You know we'll talk more about it
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Tomorrow because but we wanted to make Sure that we let you know what was going On well can I can I ask the audience if They'll help me do something Come on folks Hey [Applause] I mean I don't think anyone likes to celebrate The demise of someone's career but he is Responsible for no the demise of Someone's career yeah but but he is Responsible for the degradation that we See somewhat of our democracy in this Country and I just think as a faithful Person look at God look at god well in Russian propaganda hardest thing I mean He's been the biggest purveyor of pro Wrestling coffee yeah Um so it's a good day for the Ukrainian Karma doesn't lose anyone's address so Foreign This is where my head wants to explode Like just I mean because that bunch is like their Thought process sounds like a bowling Alley just pins knocking together it's So empty-headed you know Whoopi is the Only wise one there in that scenario who Says we'll talk about it tomorrow Because she doesn't have a damn clue What's good the story is that's a Breaking headline and she says we'll Talk about it tomorrow but the rest of
Them got to chime in right then no no no Hey hey goodbye and then the demise of CR and I'm going to look at God I'm Gonna look at God Look at God Honey you ain't seen God in a long time This thing is what I mean about Repositioning You guys don't understand Tucker Carlson's about to be bigger than Joe Rogan He's about to be bigger than I mean it's His reach is going to be Astronomical now It's going to be bigger than anything You take the shackles off of mainstream Crap like Fox which fox has been in the Toilet for a long time they just they Just decided to flush themselves today And Jesse Waters will be next Jesse Waters will be next and here's a Reason why yes because anybody that is In any way pro-trump they've got to get Rid of because of the Dominion deal so They got to get rid of them and they're Going to line up a pile of uh DeSantis Promoters To take their place and you take that For how it is you can read into the Interpretation of what I'm saying However you want to but I'm telling you Sit back and watch That's what's going to happen they won't Get rid of Sean Hannity because he's
Controlled He's controlled yeah and and Sean Doesn't have to go anywhere but they They can control Sean Sean's got his Deal on Sirius XM every afternoon he's Got his Outlet he can do that what he Does on Fox they got that under control So Sean's not going anywhere but Wouldn't surprise me we'll see what Happens with Jesse wouldn't surprise me Now I don't you know I don't think They're going to get rid of Gutfeld Because that's safe you know gutfeld's Got the number one comedy show late Night show in America But that's safe spaces right there I Mean that's that's that that's not Really fueling the fires The Way Tucker Does with his poignant commentary and Monologues Um they they can laugh that off so I Don't think gut fell is going anywhere But uh yeah we'll say about Jesse Waters He would be the next one on the bubble That I think but I promise you they're Going to start lining up some people That are a little more establishment They will but uh fox in my opinion has Been a grift for a long time so Hey is what it is Um But Tucker the end of a career oh no no No no no no no regardless of what you Think about him
And I'm not coming at it from from this Some kind of big huge Pro Tucker thing Which I am that person but Where he's headed oh I mean He'd have to he'd have to get hit by a Bus Because I mean his his deal is about to I mean It's gonna take off