Why Is Karine Jean-Pierre REFUSING to Say THIS?

White House Press Secretary Kareem Jean-Pierre refused to say whether or Not President Biden will serve out his Full second term if re-elected watch Um plan to serve all eight years I'm not I'm just not going to get ahead Of the president that's something for Him to decide I'm just not going to get Ahead of it and we're there's a 2024 Campaign anything related to that I Would refer you to that How is she so bad at this It's so bad well okay so for full Context obviously I'm sure as soon as She walked off the stage the their Entire team was like well you shouldn't Have said that and she later backtracked On Twitter and tweeted back to her Reporter's question as you know we take Following the law seriously do you do You so I wanted to be sure that I didn't Go into 2024 more than is appropriate Under the law but I can confirm that if Re-elected POTUS would serve all eight Years Can you dude how is this guy how is Joe Biden I I think I saw commercial I think It was real where it was like he will be The president running for president Again and then he was like his voice it Was like Freedom yeah literally we Played it yesterday yeah it was so tired And old and Haggard I'm like oh God RFK Junior give it give it to me this

One where is Robert F Kennedy Jr like Did they actually say they're not going To have debates they're not even going To have yeah Joe Biden debate yeah even Though there's other candidates that are Ready to debate and throw you know their Hat in to make a better country a better Nation well if you were the Establishment trying to protect Joe Biden would you want him to debate Robert F Kennedy and are they protecting Him just because they he's just letting Things get passed he's just letting the Administrative State move things through He's not really stuck I think so I think I I'm reason that they were Reflecting John fetterman right like he We these two men are vegetables but they At least serve as a figurehead and a Puppet and they will sign you know check The boxes that we need checked and sign The legislation we need signed yeah I Think I I I've never had the feeling That I didn't think we actually have a President like I don't do not feel like We have a president right now I just Feel like he's being given the things to Say given the things to sign telling us He's being given the things to say press Conferences he's saying I have a list of People to call on and then he's saying Oh I'm going to get in trouble for Saying that and he's telling us that

When when Susan Rice left his Administration was that last week I my My ears perked up on that I thought okay Either she's looking at the at the you Know to be the president and maybe a Gavin Newsom or interchange each one That's what I was thinking we were going Towards I had no I did not think they Were going to have him run for election That actually shocked me so I still Watch the Susan Rice thing I don't know What that is that's something I did Think that was weird too Were they like super tight before she Left I mean he's basically she was Basically running the show and then she Just abruptly she was his domestic Policy advisor but she was the retread From Obama Obama Obama put her in Multiple different positions including My head of the National Security Council Like she she is on part of Joe Biden's Administration to make this Obama 2.0 Exactly right right Condoleezza Rice's Sister are they related no No no and they couldn't be more far Apart when it comes to policy so it's Funny that you asked when Biden let that Chinese buy balloon float across the Country I was like well where's our President and then when he issued the Surrender in Afghanistan of all our Equipment and people to the town not all Our people but all those people to the

Taliban one of the weakest Militant groups on Earth he surrendered The strongest military ever known to man To this little thing that we were Supposedly dominating in a war because Of what a timetable and a photo op and He left people on the ground and left 80 How many millions or billions of dollars In equipment that they're flaunting like This guy is not present and we need Someone that is willing to say no that Is the president's main job is to stop Things from going crazy he's supposed to Issue The veto power he's supposed to Oversee let Congress run the show and Say no if they go crazy That and that's what I needed yeah I Totally agree if you like that clip There is plenty more where that came From click the link in the description Below to subscribe to the news and why It matters YouTube channel to watch the Full episode