White House FAILS to respond to global crisis 🤬

White House FAILS to respond to global crisis 🤬


In a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, it is crucial for leaders to step up and address global crises promptly. However, it seems that the White House, under the leadership of Joe Biden, has failed to respond adequately to a recent global crisis. This article aims to shed light on the lack of action and the concerns it raises.

We shut things down for two straight days before Joe Biden finally made a statement about Hamas attacking Israel.

When a crisis of such magnitude unfolds, it is expected that leaders will act swiftly and decisively. Yet, it took two whole days for the White House to issue a statement regarding the attacks by Hamas on Israel. This delay raises questions about the administration’s sense of urgency and ability to handle critical situations.

Joe Biden did not take any questions after his statement.

Furthermore, after delivering his statement, Joe Biden did not take any questions from the press. This lack of transparency and accountability only adds to the frustration felt by the public. As the leader of a nation, it is essential to address concerns and provide clarity, especially during times of crisis.

We are with Israel and there should be no mistake about it.

It is imperative for the United States to stand firmly with its allies, particularly when they are under attack. However, there are doubts regarding the clarity of the Biden administration’s position regarding Israel. As citizens, we need reassurance and unwavering support from our leaders to foster stability and peace.

It is concerning that the leader of the Democratic Party did not address the support shown by some members of his party towards Hamas.

Within any political party, there will always be differing opinions and perspectives. However, it is concerning when members of the Democratic Party express support towards Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization. This support contradicts the values and principles that the party upholds. It is disheartening that Joe Biden, as the leader of the party, did not address this issue directly. Silence in such matters can lead to confusion and division within the party and among the public.

Joe Biden’s silence on the matter is shocking.

As citizens of this great nation, we expect our leaders to be vocal and proactive in addressing global crises. Joe Biden’s silence on this matter is not only concerning but also shocking. It raises doubts about his ability to lead and effectively handle international relations. We wonder if there is anything Joe Biden can’t mess up.


In times of crisis, it is essential for leaders to rise to the occasion and provide reassurance and clarity. Unfortunately, the White House’s response to the recent global crisis involving Hamas and Israel has been lackluster at best. The delay in addressing the issue, coupled with Joe Biden’s failure to take questions, raises concerns about the administration’s ability to handle critical situations and provide strong leadership. As citizens, we hope for a swift and decisive response from our elected officials in the face of global crises.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews