What Would You DO On THIS Blind Date?

What Would You DO On THIS Blind Date?


In this captivating video conversation between two people, Benny Johnson explores the concept of a blind date with a unique twist. The video revolves around the speaker’s uncertainty about what questions to ask the other person and draws a humorous comparison between the conversation and a traditional blind date.

Heading 1: The Uncertainty of the Speaker

Throughout the video, it becomes apparent that the speaker is unsure about the direction to take the conversation. The speaker’s inner monologue expresses their hesitation and curiosity about what questions to ask their companion. This dilemma resonates with anyone who has ever been on a blind date, where the uncertainties and anticipation can be overwhelming.

Sub-heading 1.1: Comparing the Conversation to a Date

The speaker cleverly compares the exchange to a blind date, setting the stage for the rest of the video. This analogy adds a relatable element to the content, as blind dates are often met with a mix of excitement and nervousness. By framing the conversation in this manner, the video captures the essence of the initial stage of getting to know someone, where uncertainties and expectations loom large.

Sub-heading 1.2: The Blindfold Metaphor

To spice up the conversation, the speaker introduces the concept of a blindfold. They humorously explain that their blindfold prevents them from seeing the other person and therefore raises their curiosity about various aspects of their companion. This creative metaphor adds an element of intrigue and playfulness to the video, engaging the viewers and prompting them to ponder what they would do if they were in a similar situation.

Heading 2: Curiosity About the Other Person’s Preferences

The video delves into the speaker’s curiosity about what attributes are important to their companion, particularly in terms of appearance. This curiosity stems from the fact that the blindfold impedes the speaker’s ability to assess the physical appearance of the other person. Such a scenario prompts contemplation about the role of appearance in initial impressions.

Sub-heading 2.1: The Importance of Physical Appearance

The speaker expresses their curiosity about the other person’s perception of physical appearance. By highlighting this aspect, the video touches upon a thought-provoking topic that often permeates our lives. It prompts viewers to question the significance placed on physical attractiveness and encourages them to examine how it influences their own interactions and expectations.

Sub-heading 2.2: The Speaker’s Desire to Remove the Blindfold

As the conversation progresses, the speaker playfully suggests the removal of the blindfold. This suggestion adds an element of suspense and anticipation, as the viewers eagerly wonder if the request will be granted. The desire to see the other person’s appearance, combined with the apprehension of potential disappointment or pleasant surprise, keeps the audience engaged until the end.

Heading 3: The Hilarious Conclusion

The video concludes with a twist that leaves the viewers chuckling. Without revealing any spoilers, it can be said that the ending provides a lighthearted and comical conclusion to the blind date scenario explored throughout the conversation. Benny Johnson’s ability to navigate the uncertainties and mishaps of a blind date is commendable, and his knack for creating engaging content shines through.

Sub-heading 3.1: Lessons Learned

The video serves as a reminder that blind dates, whether in real life or metaphorically, can be unpredictable and filled with unexpected turns. It encourages viewers to embrace the uncertainties and awkward moments that may arise from stepping outside their comfort zone. Benny Johnson’s witty take on this situation, combined with his relatable storytelling, ensures that viewers can glean lessons while thoroughly enjoying the experience.


Benny Johnson’s video conversation about a blind date carries viewers on an entertaining and relatable journey. From the speaker’s uncertainty about what questions to ask to the playful metaphor of a blindfold, Johnson captivates his audience. The exploration of curiosity regarding appearance, the anticipation of the blindfold removal, and the hilarious ending provide moments of laughter and thoughtfulness. Through his unique storytelling style, Johnson leaves his viewers pondering the question, “What would you do on this blind date?”

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