WATCH: Trump Vows to BAN Child Sexual Mutilation in ALL 50 States

I say that if you take the first five Presidents that are the absolute worst And you add them all together they Haven't done the harm that Joe Biden and His administration have done to our Country it's so sad my Administration Will again adopt Rock Solid Constitutional conservatives to be Federal bench justices and judges but in The mold of Antonin Scalia and Justice Clarence Thomas who by the way right now Is under siege by the radical left as The most pro-life president in American History I will continue to stand strong Against the extreme late-term Abortionists in the Democrat Party who Believe in abortion on demand in the Ninth month of pregnancy and even Executing babies after birth they Actually talk Beyond birth after birth Executing the baby this is where we've Come and it's so sad to see I will stand Proudly in defense of innocent life just As I did for four very powerful strong Years because every child born and Unborn is a sacred gift from God I will Stop Joe Biden's weaponization of Government and law enforcement against Conservatives Patriots Christians and Pro-life activists we will obliterate The Deep State and completely overhaul The FBI and doj to protect your Constitutional rights as you know Another critical fight is the battle to

Retake schools from the radical left The Marxism being preached in our Classrooms is totally hostile to Traditional religious teachings under my Leadership we will bring back God to our Schools and our public squares and that Will happen very quickly on day one we Will begin to find the radical zealots And marxists who have infiltrated the Federal Department of Education and we Will have them escorted from the Building I will immediately sign a new Executive order to cut Federal funding For any school pushing critical race Theory transgender insanity and other Inappropriate racial sexual or political Content on our children the left-wing Gender lunacy being pushed on our Children is an act of child abuse and it Will stop immediately as president I Will sign a new executive order Instructing every Federal agency to Cease the promotion of sex and gender Transition at any age I will then ask Congress to send me a bill prohibiting Child sexual mutilation in all 50 states And I will keep men out of women sports That's a simple one we will give back The power to parents parental power will Again be a force in our nation under my Leadership we will defeat the cult of Gender ideology and we will reassert the Timeless truth that God created two Genders male and female we will defend

Our culture we will reassert the Judeo-christian values of our nation's Founding we will protect our heritage And traditions and we will make America Great again thank you very much God Bless you all God Bless America