In recent years the Democratic party has Been clamoring for a bigger more Intrusive government while to some it May sound like an excellent way to Ensure everyone gets what they need it's A recipe for disaster with the passing Of the so-called inflation reduction act This has become more evident than ever Before in this video we'll provide you With all the details about the inflation Reduction act including how the Democrats busted the budget and what This means for families and taxpayers Nationwide How much crankshaw news breaks fast Every day here be the first to know when Tap subscribe below to stay informed Before I get to that keeping up with Financial news is essential save time by Following the tips and sources on the Noble Gold YouTube channel more than 13 000 subscribers trust noble goals Presenters to keep them informed Noble Gold's YouTube channel connects the dots For you subscribe right now now back to The news The inflation reduction Act Which contrary to its name isn't really An act but rather an excuse to waste Taxpayers money Was promoted as the answer to the Current economic problems however the Dirty truth about the ACT is that it is Nothing but a manifestation of Democrats
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Insatiable appetite for more spending More debt and more power West Virginia senator Joe manchin Recently went off on his Democrat Colleagues which really they're not his Colleagues anymore he went independent Remember during a hearing this week Accusing them of breaking the law and Undermining their Promises to the American people in regard to how the So-called inflation reduction Act of 2022 is being implemented Specifically Mansion took issue with the Way his colleagues referred to the bill During the hearing saying that it had Nothing to do with the issue at hand Mansion showed a chart with the Definition of battery components from The inflation reduction act which makes Clear what should be covered by Manufacturing that's doe and treasury Had failed to use it in the proposed Consumer EV tax credit watch Thank you I yield I take privilege one More time Madam Secretary I just want to Correct I just really want to correct This okay okay forget about the Bipartisan infrastructure bill just Forget about it because this is what we Passed this is the bill and this is what You all broke the law by advising Referring back to the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill had nothing to do This is the IRA we passed inflation
Reduction act tells you exactly what Your manufacturing credits will be and What they're going to be based on that's All I'm saying fall of the law Well we have no incentive I would say no You don't no no no Symptoms rewrite the lies what I was Saying we all refer to that when it was Very clear this is the law this is what Manufacturing is I think there is a Difference of opinion among the lawyers About what the actual definition depends On who's paying the lawyers I'm so sorry I get so we're I am so Upset about this because they're doing Everything they can to bust the budget What we promised American people what That bill would cost that's what I'm Upset about and the games that we've Played for many years is that we've had Debt financing because we run out of Money but we still continue to do what We said that was the intent of the bill That's what has screwed this country up And put 31.4 trillion dollars I'm Determined to stop that and this was the Bill Okay let's go on that's enough Yeah he's got a he's got a a point there And you know he he represents what you Know the Democrat Party used to be you Know pro-american Pro-american people Not just a select
You know group of people Since the Democrat Party assumed power We've watched them confiscate more of Our hardened cashed hard-earned cash Promote the destruction of the American Family structure and spearhead efforts To create a more comprehensive welfare State in the guise of promoting social Uh justice and Equity equality sorry the Democrats Have Unleashed a torrent of spending That has left the country's economy on The brink of collapse the latest example Of Democrats spending Madness is the Inflation reduction act a 3.5 trillion Dollar disaster that will put even more Of a burden on hard-working Americans Under the act the Democrats plan to Include Provisions for everything from Child Care subsidies to free community College education While these may sound like reasonable Proposals they come at an astronomical Cost both financial and uh morally Speaking So what is the impact of this act on Americans the answer is that it spells Disaster first taxpayers the inflation Reduction act will only balloon America's debt even further and pave the Way for another economic crisis Furthermore the ACT will undoubtedly Lead to inflation as the FED pumps more Money into the system to pay for
Reckless spending habits inflation is Itself a tax a tax that hits low-income Families the hardest The bottom line is that this act will Put the country's economy on a Trajectory towards collapse and there is No sugar coating this sad reality Democrats need to be held accountable For the damage they're inflicting on This country's economy Their obsession with government growth At the expense of taxpayers is a ticking Time bomb that will lead to an economic Disaster the inflation reduction Act is Nothing more than an excuse to keep Their spending addiction alive and well With politicians like those part of the The squad for instance and President Biden at the helm America's on the brink of financial Collapse our hard-earned dollars are Being flushed down the drain while Democrats look the other way There's a better way and that is to Elect conservatives who understand the Importance of low taxes small government And fiscal responsibility Voters need to wake up and vote the Democrats out instead of in or face Economic chaos that will impact Generations to come and I think we all See firsthand that that's a reality Let us know what you think I'm rich Crankshaw for the next News Network see
You next time Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances a Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable Presenters keep you up to date on all The latest Financial developments and Explain what they mean behind the screen How they impact your savings with over Thirteen thousand subscribers Noble gold Can help you see the forests for the Trees subscribe now to Noble Gold's YouTube channel we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network