Are you ready for an intriguing tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat? If so, then look no further than the captivating story of the viral riverboat brawl. This is not your ordinary altercation, my friend. Prepare yourself for a twist that will challenge everything you think you know. Get ready to be hooked from start to finish as we dive into the unexpected journey of this extraordinary event. Buckle up – it’s going to be a wild ride!
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You might have stumbled upon a video recently that has been making the rounds on social media. This video captured a chaotic scene on a riverboat in Montgomery, where a brawl between patrons and security guards took place. However, there is more to this incident than meets the eye. In this article, we will delve into the underlying factors at play, debunk misconceptions, and shed light on why this viral riverboat brawl is not what you think.
The Scheme Benefiting Elites and Their Paid Puppets
It is important to understand that the current racial tensions, including the incident on the Montgomery riverboat, are part of a wider scheme. The elites, along with their paid puppets, are using these conflicts to divert attention away from their exploitative actions. By keeping the masses focused on racial divisions, they avoid scrutiny in their manipulation of wealth and power.
The Montgomery Melee: A Distraction from Exploitation
The Montgomery melee serves as a perfect example of how elites exploit ignorance for their gain. While the focus remains on the violent confrontation, the true exploitative forces continue to operate behind the scenes. This incident conveniently takes the spotlight away from the real issues at hand, allowing the elites to continue their nefarious activities without interference.
Social Media Race Soldiers Rejoicing
In the age of social media, every event seems to take on a life of its own. Social media race soldiers, individuals who perpetuate racial divisions for their own agenda, are celebrating the Montgomery brawl. Their divisive rhetoric only serves to amplify the already tense atmosphere, making it even harder to find common ground and work towards true unity.
General Smedley Butler’s Book: War Is a Racket
To truly understand the motivations behind manufacturing conflicts, it is essential to explore the insights shared by General Smedley Butler in his book, “War Is a Racket.” Butler exposed how financial rewards lie at the heart of these orchestrated conflicts. Similarly, the Montgomery incident serves as another example of how those in power benefit from manipulating the masses through manufactured chaos.
Dysfunction and the Inability to Identify the True Enemy
The disturbing scenes from the Montgomery brawl highlight a deeper issue plaguing America – a dysfunction that hinders the ability to identify the true enemy. Instead of directing anger and frustration towards the elites who perpetuated this situation, the focus remains on the racial aspect of the incident. This misplaced attention prevents the necessary introspection needed for real change.
Common Fights, Uncommon Virality
Fights between patrons and security guards are not unheard of in various establishments. However, they rarely gain viral attention as the Montgomery brawl did. The amplification of this incident through social media points to a deliberate attempt to portray it as a racially motivated event, further fueling the flames of division.
Security Guard Attacks: Race Is Not the Sole Factor
It is crucial to recognize that security guard attacks happen regardless of race. While racial tensions can exacerbate certain situations, it is important to view each incident individually rather than through the lens of identity politics. By associating the Montgomery brawl solely with race, we fall victim to the very division the elites seek to perpetuate.
Social Media Programming and Racial Lenses
Social media has played a significant role in programming individuals to see the world through racial lenses. Algorithms and echo chambers reinforce pre-existing biases and drive us further apart. It is essential to break free from this programming and examine each situation objectively, without letting racial prejudices cloud our judgment.
The Elites’ Benefit from Racial Division
The promotion of racial division benefits the elites, as it distracts from their manipulation and control. By pitting different races against each other, they effectively divert attention away from the structural inequalities that they perpetuate. Recognizing this tactic is crucial in dismantling their hold on power.
Celebrating the Montgomery Melee: Under MK Ultra Control?
While it may sound far-fetched, it is worth considering the possibility that celebrating the Montgomery brawl is under MK Ultra control. MK Ultra, a controversial CIA mind-control program, aimed to manipulate and influence individuals’ behavior. The online celebration of the incident, especially considering its racial undertones, raises questions about the true motives and influences behind this viral event.
In conclusion, the viral riverboat brawl in Montgomery is not as simple as it appears. It is essential to delve deeper, question the narratives propagated, and recognize the underlying schemes at play. By understanding the bigger picture and refusing to let racial divisions cloud our judgment, we can work towards a society that is united against the true enemy – the elites who benefit from our divided state.