USMC Colonel (Ret.) Explains How to Identify Scammer Veteran Charities

USMC Colonel (Ret.) Explains How to Identify Scammer Veteran Charities


Charitable donations are a common way to show support for our nations veterans. However not all organizations claiming to be veteran charities are legitimate. In fact many of these so-called charities are scams that waste donations on overhead costs or even deceive donors outright. USMC Colonel (Ret.) explains how to identify scammer veteran charities.

The Problem with Veteran Charities

Despite good intentions many veterans’ charities have earned a negative reputation for wasting donations on overhead costs or using donations to benefit veteran employees instead of actual veterans. According to a report by Charity Navigator over a billion dollars was given to non-recommended charities between 2019-2021. Furthermore veterans’ charities May be run by non-veterans trying to take advantage of public sympathy.

How to Identify Scammer Veteran Charities

It’s essential to be aware of how to identify scammer veteran charities to ensure that your donations support the right cause. The following are some of the signs that you May be dealing with a scammer veteran charity:

1. High Overhead Costs

Legitimate charities have overhead costs that keep their operations going but these costs should be minimal. If a charity claims to be a veterans affair organization but is allocating most of their donations towards their employees salary and administrative expenses it indicates that the charity is not genuinely dedicated to its mission.

2. Non-Veteran Run Charity

In some cases individuals with little to no affiliation with veterans try to run charities to benefit themselves rather than the ones in need. If a charity’s board of directors or executive leadership has no veterans present it serves as a red flag that the charity May not properly address veterans’ needs.

3. Refusal to Provide Information

If a veteran charity is hesitant or refuses to provide information about their organization including their board of directors leadership structure or financial statements it May not be reputable.

4. Too Many Solicitation Calls or Emails

A genuine charity would never pressure you to make an immediate donation or have an over-aggressive solicitation approach. Scammer veteran charities tend to use high-pressure tactics to secure donations from unsuspecting consumers.

How to Avoid Scammer Veteran Charities

The good news is that there are trustworthy organizations like Charities for Vets that can help donors to dodge scammer veteran charities. Charities for Vets identifies good groups based on how much of their donations go to veterans. Highly recommended groups use at least 85% of their budgets on veterans programs which is the industry standard. The following are some additional tips that donors can use to verify the legitimacy of a charity:

1. Do Your Research

Before donating to any veteran charity it is essential to learn about the organization. Visit its website and social media platforms to understand its mission.

2. Check Financial Statements

Legitimate charities will have their financial statements prominently displayed on their website. Check out programs administrative costs and other expenses listed in the financial statements to determine how donations will be used.

3. Consider Giving to Established Organizations

Donating to established organizations is a safe way to ensure your contribution will be effectively used.

4. Look for Third-Party Validation

Charity Navigator GuideStar and Better Business Bureaus Wise Giving Alliance are all examples of third-party validation organizations that vet charities and provide a seal of approval.

OANN and Free Talk: A Genuine Platforms for Veterans

Organizations like One America News Network (OANN) and Free Talk support veterans in genuine ways. OANN offers exclusive content through its website and app. They report on veterans efforts the impact of their struggles and other essential information.

Similarly Free Talk is a social platform that enables veterans to post chat and connect with others who May be experiencing a similar situation. It is also a platform that provides opportunities to learn from others connect with relevant resources and share their experiences.


Donating to a charity for veterans causes is a noble act but its also important to discern the good from the bad. By following the tips mentioned above and doing due diligence donors can avoid scammer veteran charities and ensure their contributions go where theyre most needed. Partnering with reputable organizations like Charities for Vets or supporting OANN and Free Talk can make a difference in the lives of veterans who need our help.

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