Uncovering the Biden Family’s Hidden Business Deals

The Biden family has come under Fire for Their secret business dealings with Shocking details emerging about the ties To China and troubling Financial Dealings I'm Gary franchi and every day News breaks fast make sure you catch it When it does tap subscribe and stay Informed The extent of the corruption runs deep And New Revelations about their hidden Business deals have people shaking their Heads in disbelief the truth behind the Biden's crime family scandalous and the Continued investigation into their Misdeeds it should uncover even more Shocking information the Biden family Has been caught up in another Scandal Involving Shady business dealings around The world Republican representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina has just reviewed over 100 suspicious activity reports on the Biden family and what she found is Shocking watch Investigate File the number of family members Involved and it's even the amount of Money that we're talking about in these Suspicious activity reports It's astronomical and the accusations There and the source of the funding or The where the money's going the shell Companies Prostitution Rings Etc

It's Insanity to me that it's not been Investigated And the way that it should be Just the tip of the iceberg the hunter Biden scandal is widely known Investigations uncovered questionable Financial dealings with the Ukrainian Natural gas company barisma Biden Boasted of getting a prosecutor Investigated investigating allegations Of corruption within the company fired In 2018 the Biden family has also been Implicated in a prostitution ring and Shell companies use to launder money Republican representative James Comer of Kentucky confirmed that the accusations The source of the funding where the Money is going the shell companies and Prostitution Rings Etc is very shady It's Insanity to me this is not been Investigated in the way that it should Have been watch We learned a lot that was new the Committee went there today but I've had Staff there over the past two weeks There are thousands of pages of Documents relating to financial Transactions and let me be very clear This isn't just about the president's Son or the president's brother we've Identified six new Biden family members Involved in Shady Foreign transactions that we believe Were a direct result of influence

Peddling that brings the number of Biden Family members now to nine that were Involved in the Biden family influence Peddling and we still have more family Members that we suspect were involved so This is a family affair this is Something that should be troubling to Every American and what we've learned From from going through these records Are there a lot of additional llc's a Lot of additional bank accounts that we Didn't know prior to going to the Treasury cabinet so we've learned a lot This investigation is ongoing but I can Tell you without hesitation it's very Serious and the president of the United States is going to have a very hard time Explaining how so many of his family Members have received so much money from Our adversaries around the world and This The fact that these crimes are being Ignored by the mainstream media speaks To How Deep The Swamp runs in Washington DC the binds are yet another example of A family entrenched in the establishment They're being protected by powerful Forces trying to keep these crimes from Seeing the light of day the obvious Question is why is nothing being done About Biden's heinous crimes it's simple Joe Biden is part of the establishment a Career politician with 50 years of Experience his connections run all the

Way to the top and so the media and the Government and the political Elite are All working together to protect him we Must demand change we can no longer Allow corrupt politicians like Joe Biden To get away with their crimes the Damage Done by these criminals is real it hurts The economy it hurts our national Security and it hurts the future of our Country So it's no secret that the Biden family Has been making headlines lately but What we've uncovered is truly shocking The truth about their ties to China and Troubling Financial dealings have all Come to light in recent investigations From Hunter Biden's laptop to corruption Running deep within the family there Seems to be no end of their scandalous Behavior we've even covered new details On their corruption proving that the Swamp Works to protect powerful Elites Like the Biden this all begs the Question just how far will they go to Maintain their power and wealth the American people deserve answers and we Won't stop until we get them the Biden Crime family must be brought to Justice And the truth must be exposed once and For all let's continue the conversation In the comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thanks for watching that report and the Latest survey of Americans nearly half

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