UNBELIEVABLE: Democrat Senator Back Peddling On Biden’s Climate Bill

Did you know America is in deep trouble Thanks to the inflation reduction act Senator Joe manchin who supported the Bill when it passed is doing what is Rarely seen by politicians and is Running away from the legislation They've voted in favor of find out why The senator is now backtracking on the Climate change friendly bill Stay informed with the latest news and Tap subscribe below to enable Notifications Before I get to that report you know Mike Lindell he's the my pillow Maven Who can't be stopped while keeping Americans comfortable he fights for the Truth now next News network is bringing You the best sleep ever with my pillow You'll fall asleep faster stay asleep Longer and with the Giza dream sheets That I have on mine with the mattress Topper you will be in heaven use promo Code nnn for up to 66 off at Sleepwithgary.com by tapping more below This video now back to the news Politicians always make bold promises in Talent legislation with exuberant Proclamations but what happens when such Claims turn out to be hot air Democrat Senator Joe manchin who supported the Inflation reduction Act is feeling the Heat after the consequences and real Intentions of the bill having started Revealing themselves in the U.S

With his approval plummeting within his Own State Mansion has not only renounced His support for the bill but has also Expressed concerns about the the act's Impact on the American public despite The backlash it appears the Democrat Senator has caused irreparable damage And will have to face the consequences Watch Let me make it very clear if this Administration does not honor what it Said it would do and basically continue To liberalize that where 384 billion Dollars is what we're supposed to invest Over 10 years and they blow that out of The water and it's it's six or seven or Eight hundred I will do everything I can In my power to prevent that from Happening and if they don't change then I would vote to repeal my own bill The effects of the inflation reduction Act have been anything but positive with The Bill's passage U.S inflation rates Have started to rise along with Increasing federal government spending Americans have already begun feeling the Impact on their wallets with many Feeling the effects of the failing Economy according to experts the IRA Which is packed with climate change Provisions could cut U.S greenhouse gas Emissions by nearly half over the next Decade however various issues have Arisen following the Mill's passage

Including the crushing effects on the Oil and gas industry an increase in Inflation and a spike in federal Government spending the situation is Placed Center mansion on the hot seat And left him scurrying for cover the Senator has been backpedaling since then And he did it again during a session in The Senate last week while expressing Concern about scamming the American People well the scam was actually in the Legislation watch I agree with you I'm very very proud of The IRA and what it is doing and what The intention of it was to do what I'm Not proud of is that basically we're not Staying within the guidelines of what The CBO score was I'm trying to make Sure that we don't dupe or scam the American public thinking we passed one Bill that cost this much and it doubles Up because of liberalization of what They're putting out much quicker much Faster and much longer that's all that's Where I come from but I am very proud of The results we're getting because we Knew it would do that uh and with that We ought to live within it and then if The money runs out we'll come back and Reauthorize it that's all I've said just Don't bust it don't blow it wide open Now thinking there's going to be debt Financed which is what we've done to the American public for far too long

The popular Republican Governor Jim Justice has taken note of how West Virginians feel about the vote and could Successfully challenge mansion in 2024. Despite mansion's attempts to distance Itself from the legislation he Championed and voted for the damage has Already been done West Virginians are Feeling the effects of the bill and Mansions poll numbers have taken a hit Governor Jim justice has taken notice of The dissatisfaction among his Constituents and May challenge Mansion For a seat in 2024 as he moves forward It's important to consider the long-term Consequences of legislation before Blindly supporting it we must prioritize The needs of our citizens and ensure That any policy decisions are made with Their best interests in mind let's Continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm Gary franchi Thank you for watching that report There's no stopping the my pillow Maven Mike Lindell who will not be deterred by Liberal lies he's been at the Forefront Of the fight for Truth for years while Making sure that Americans remain Comfortable while they sleep the next News network is now partnering with him In order to provide you with the best Sleep of your life the patented Interlocking fill part of my pillow is

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