Ukrainian-born Republican Rep. FLAMES “Fascist” Merrick Garland To His FACE 🔥| Room Goes SILENT!


In this captivating article, I will provide you with an exclusive account of the dramatic confrontation that took place between Ukrainian-born Republican Representative Victoria Spartz and Merrick Garland, who is commonly known for being nominated to the Supreme Court by former President Barack Obama. The heated exchange took place during a congressional hearing and has left the room silent. Join me as I dive into the details and uncover the implications of this fiery encounter.

Heading 1: Silencing Merrick Garland: Victoria Spartz’s Bold Move

Sub-heading 1.1: Spartz’s Background and Political Stance

Sub-heading 1.2: Confronting Garland face-to-face

Victoria Spartz, a Ukrainian-born Congresswoman from the Republican Party, has gained an impressive reputation for her outspokenness and unwavering commitment to her conservative values. Her unique perspective, shaped by her upbringing in Ukraine, has allowed her to bring a fresh perspective to American politics.

During a recent congressional hearing, Spartz seized the opportunity to challenge Merrick Garland, positioning herself firmly against his views. The tension was palpable as Spartz boldly questioned Garland’s commitment to justice and fairness, leaving the room stunned into silence.

Heading 2: Allegations of Bribery and Impeachment

Sub-heading 2.1: Biden’s Involvement in Ukrainian Politics

Sub-heading 2.2: Troy Nels’ Criticisms

Controversy has surrounded Joe Biden’s actions in Ukraine, with allegations of bribery and potential impeachment being thrown into the spotlight. It is claimed that Biden threatened the Ukrainian President to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, stating that unless this demand was met, the United States would withhold financial aid amounting to a billion dollars.

Troy Nels stepped forward to condemn Biden’s actions, labeling them as bribery and calling for repercussions. Nels argued that these actions were not only unethical but also potentially impeachable offenses. The implications of Biden’s involvement in Ukrainian politics remain a topic of hot debate to this day.

Heading 3: Hunter Biden and Shokin’s Removal

Sub-heading 3.1: Financial Interests in Ukraine

Sub-heading 3.2: The Role of Viktor Shokin

Investigations into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s financial interests in Ukraine have raised concerns about potential corruption and misuse of power. It is believed that the removal of Shokin, who was investigating the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, was directly linked to the financial interests of the Biden family.

The involvement of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden in alleged corrupt practices has cast a shadow over their reputations. These allegations have further contributed to the skepticism and lack of trust that many Americans have towards their current President.

Heading 4: Criticizing the Legitimacy of the American Regime

Sub-heading 4.1: Victoria Spartz’s Perspective

Sub-heading 4.2: Lack of Trust in the Government

Victoria Spartz, being a Republican from Ukraine, has not shied away from criticizing what she perceives as the illegitimacy of the American regime. Spartz raises concerns about the erosion of trust in the government, highlighting the prevalence of FBI phone numbers and the general fear that people have towards their own government.

She argues that this lack of trust is further fueled by the slow-walking of investigations within the justice system, which allows corruption to persist and potentially undermines the democratic values upon which America was built.

Heading 5: Foreign Interference and Destabilization

Sub-heading 5.1: Department of Justice’s Role

Sub-heading 5.2: Accusations of Allowing Foreign Interference

One of the most pressing concerns surrounding the current state of affairs in the United States is the accusation that the Department of Justice has allowed foreign interference, particularly in regards to Ukraine. Critics argue that this alleged interference has contributed to the destabilization of the country.

The accusation that foreign meddling has taken place adds another layer of complexity and raises crucial questions about the integrity of the American political landscape. The implications of these allegations must not be taken lightly, as they have the potential to impact the nation’s future.


The fiery encounter between Victoria Spartz and Merrick Garland serves as a reminder of the deep ideological divisions within American politics. Their face-to-face confrontation sheds light on a range of pressing issues, from allegations of bribery and corruption to concerns about the legitimacy of the American regime and the role of foreign interference.

As Americans grapple with these complex challenges, it becomes clear that trust in the government and the justice system hangs in the balance. Only through open and honest dialogue can progress be made, allowing for a more transparent and accountable future for the United States.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews