Tucker Carlson FINALLY Speaks Out!

Tucker Carlson FINALLY Speaks Out!

Tucker Carlson broke the internet last Night after posting a two and a half Minute video to Twitter this is of Course the first time we're hearing from Him uh since his departure from Fox News And I want to play for you his kind of Reflection on uh once once he took a Step back from Fox what he realized Watched Good evening it's Tucker Carlson one of The first things you realize when you Step outside the noise for a few days is How many genuinely nice people there are In this country kind and decent people People who really care about what's true And a bunch of hilarious people also a Lot of those it's got to be the majority Of the population even now so that's Heartening the other thing you notice When you take a little time off is how Unbelievably stupid most of the debates You see on television are they're Completely irrelevant they mean nothing In five years we won't even remember That we had them trust me as someone Who's participated Uh he went on to detail how the media Has held people back from having Meaningful discussions on topics that Actually matter like corporate power Demographic changes and civil liberties And I you know you got to wonder who in Particular he's talking about as he's Making the statement watch and yet at

The same time and this is the amazing Thing the undeniably big topics the ones That will Define our future get Virtually no discussion at all war civil Liberties emerging science demographic Change corporate power natural resources When was the last time you heard a Legitimate debate about any of those Issues it's been a long time debates Like that are not permitted in American Media both political parties and their Donors have reached consensus on what Benefits them and they actively collude To shut down any conversation about it He went on to say the United States Looks like a one-party State he said our Current orthodoxies won't last they're Brain dead hardly anyone's life is Improved by them the people in charge Know this that's why they're hysterical And aggressive they're afraid they've Given up persuasion they're resorting to Force which he says will not work when Honest people say what's true calmly and Without embarrassment they become Powerful at the same time the Liars Who've been trying to silence them Shrink and they become weaker and he Ends it by saying that there aren't many Places left where you can find true Things but there are some that's enough As long as you can hear the words there Is hope see you soon Interesting can't help but but wonder if

These were all veiled comments relating To his former employer Uh yeah I'm gonna tell you pretty much And to the Murdoch family and the UNA Party in DC that we all know exists and Really the unit party inside you know Big media corporate media it's Groupthink and you know uh and I and I Love that he came out so early to say Look basically there were many things I Wanted to talk about but they wouldn't Let me you know and both political Parties want to talk about things that Benefit them and then I was so happy That he also threw in some of the big Donors who actually drive the narrative In both parties they do swing a big Stick and they say hey we donate big Dollars Stay between the lanes because this is What benefits us and they figure out how To work the system kind of like Dallas Texas a lot of the conservatives in Dallas Texas I figure out how to work With Clay Jenkins Although he is flat out evil right they Don't really want him removed because They've built the money machine around The guy and the law firms that he Supports in all the cases Etc so we need To smash all of that all that needs to Go Stu Uh yeah I I agree with that and I agree With much about what Tucker said and and

Let me first say if you happen to find Yourself needing a show yeah to watch at 8 pm Eastern I've got a great one for You it's on Blaze TV it's called Studio's America come on people join us We would love to have you until Tucker's Got his next thing come check us out and And we'll have a great time you will not Be silenced I will not be silenced and I Won't do that here no I mean it's a heck Of a benefit of working here isn't it I Mean it really is you don't it's not the Type of thing you have to worry about You know I don't ever feel ever like I'm Gonna be silenced for what I say and That's something that I think Tucker in His next his next role here is going to Really appreciate I think it's it's the Type of thing uh you know that certainly We did you know I worked at Fox News we Left Fox News Um you know many years ago and we went Through a process similar to what Tucker's going through including all of A sudden very negative things come Popping up in the Press over and over And over again about Glenn this is you Know unfortunately the way fox has Decided to do business and you know I I Think when you step back at the 50 000 Foot level We are a country that really needs Fox News to have some sort of mainstream Balance uh to what's going on in the

Media I don't know what this country Would have been like if Fox News never Existed I don't know what the Conservative movement would have turned Into we would be in a much worse place On the other hand there's all sorts of Problems there and I feel it's getting You know it's they're they're getting Weaker and weaker they're taking their Strong voices and they're throwing to The side they never want anyone to be Any bigger than Fox News they want People to stay in their little box and Say the things that need to be said and You know look Tucker's gonna be fine Tucker's gonna make oh yeah gobs of Money after this so he's going to have Every Suitor uh possible chasing after Him and probably including us to try to Get him to their Network and that's Understandable he's a really important Voice here but you see the way they're Acting that you know there's a report in The New York Times that came out and it Was like well he got fired because There's video of him saying really bad Things and uh and and saying bad things About women well what's the video can we See the video what's the evidence of This the times won't tell you they just Want you to have this open-ended picture Of something that he did that's really Really bad and you should just Understand that he's a bad guy and again

This isn't coming from MSNBC it's not Coming from the Democratic Party this is Coming from inside of Fox News these People constantly do this they did it to Glenn they have these little these Little things that they leak to the Media to try to ruin you from where you When you leave because you go over Fox And you never leave it's the Hotel California of the News That's not right You know even though they've been an Important role here it's it's not right They shouldn't treat people this way and You know I think people are waking up to That I think so too I I think also that You know when you you mention all of the All of a sudden all of these negative Stories start coming out like the woman Who claims that she was a producer and He had a hostile work environment and There was some sort of sexual behavior At the workplace oh oops the New York Times forgot to leave uh the give us a Little tidbit that she never met Tucker In her nine months employed by Fox News Never once met him because he filmed at His homes in Florida and Maine so she's Accusing him of what exactly she wasn't Even there then I do want to say Something about about these text Messages or these videos that keep they Keep saying oh well Tucker use the c Word when he was talking about someone Else you know what go through my private

Text messages and I'm sure that I've Said just as bad or Worse about other People when I'm having a private Conversation with my friend or my mom or My husband Like There's No One Alive That has not done something like that And so it's just fascinating to me also If the worst thing that he said about a Woman that was derogatory was called her Yummy You went through his whole phone and out Of all the things that he could have Said That's the worst one you could find A queen yeah I guess I it's it's not real no no it's Fake it's fictitious but still what a Squandered opportunity for Fox News in a Time when your main adversary is Literally Bleeding Out CNN it's not even A an opponent you have no opponent you Got the view you got MSNBC You know Rachel madcal matter or mad cow Who Uso who's your competition Fox that You're so you just pick mediocrity yeah You just pick today you can dominate but No they're infiltrated it's from the Inside like you said you experienced it Way back when that was a different Fox Still there still there still there I Mean I was even going back to just the Numbers of people watching like you know They said you know his numbers are the Numbers are way down since Tucker left

Um which is of course to be expected but You know there's still you're talking About 250 000 people in the demo Watching I went back and just looked at One of our days when we were there and I Don't remember it was a good day Particularly good day but it was over 600 000 in the demo watching I mean this They've killed themselves there's other Factors there there's Netflix there's Other things but they've killed Themselves for a very long time and they Continue to do this if this isn't going To make fox go away it's not going to Make it disintegrate it will weaken it Yet again and it will cause people to Leave and and come here so welcome we Love having you here yeah yeah Um by the way I know we got to go to Break but um the Tucker Carlson video That he posted just last night 20 hours Ago 18.7 million views wow 320 000 people watching Fox last night Do you need Fox anymore do you need him Right if you like that clip there is Plenty more where that came from click The link in the description below to Subscribe to the news and why it matters YouTube channel to watch the full Episode