Trump TORCHES Corrupt Biden, Vows to DESTROY ‘The Deep State’

In their relentless pursuit to challenge the status quo, President Trump has emerged once again, casting a scorching light on the alleged corruption surrounding Biden. With unwavering determination, he vows not only to expose the depths of the scandal but also to dismantle the entrenched powers commonly referred to as “The Deep State.” This blog post delves into the intricate details, shedding light on the ongoing battle between Trump and the establishment, as well as the implications it holds for the future. Prepare to witness a high-stakes showdown where political forces collide and destinies are at stake.


In a scathing video released by BlazeTV, former President Donald Trump delivers a scorching critique of Joe Biden, accusing him of being the most corrupt and incompetent president in US history. Trump highlights several key allegations surrounding the Biden family’s financial dealings with countries such as China, Ukraine, and Russia. The video also delves into the controversial involvement of Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in various corruption scandals that raise serious legal concerns. Trump’s fervent speech takes aim not only at Joe Biden but also at the media for what he calls disproportionate coverage of Biden’s corruption cases. The video asserts that there is an orchestrated attempt to cover up the evidence found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, suggesting a concerted effort to shield the Biden family from the consequences of their actions.

The Corruption Allegations

  1. Money from China, Ukraine, and Russia: Trump alleges that the Biden family received substantial financial gains from various countries, including China, Ukraine, and Russia. These claims have led many to question the integrity of Joe Biden’s political career.

  2. Hunter Biden’s Involvement in Corruption Scandals: Trump draws attention to Hunter Biden’s involvement in corruption scandals, pointing out instances where he leveraged his family’s political connections to secure lucrative business deals. The significance of these scandals is emphasized, hinting at potential legal consequences for the Biden family.

  3. Media Coverage and Biden’s Corruption Cases: Trump criticizes the media for providing biased and disproportionate coverage of Biden’s corruption cases. He argues that the mainstream media has shielded Biden and his family from the scrutiny they deserve, raising questions about their impartiality.

  4. The Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-Up: Trump raises suspicions about the lack of fingerprints and cleanliness found on Hunter Biden’s laptop, suggesting a cover-up by those trying to protect the Biden family. These claims further fuel allegations of corrupt practices within the Biden camp.

Fighting Against the Enemies of Freedom

  1. Standing Against Radical Left Democrats: The video portrays Trump as someone who welcomes the idea of being indicted by radical left Democrats, considering it a badge of honor. Trump positions himself as an unwavering opponent to those who seek to curtail the people’s freedom.

  2. Appointing a Special Prosecutor: Trump vows to appoint a special prosecutor to thoroughly investigate the claims against the Biden family. This promise underscores his commitment to uncover the truth and hold those involved accountable.

  3. Taking on the Deep State: Trump pledges to fight against the Deep State, a term used to describe a shadowy network of entrenched bureaucrats and powerful individuals. He promises to dismantle this system once back in office, instilling a sense of hope in his supporters.


In the video review of BlazeTV’s “Trump TORCHES Corrupt Biden, Vows to DESTROY ‘The Deep State’,” Donald Trump doesn’t mince his words when it comes to his opinions of Joe Biden. Accusing Biden of being corrupt and incompetent, Trump highlights allegations of financial deals with countries like China, Ukraine, and Russia. He harps on Hunter Biden’s involvement in corruption scandals, asserting that legal consequences may follow. Trump also criticizes the media for their perceived bias in covering Biden’s corruption cases. He raises questions about a potential cover-up related to Hunter Biden’s laptop and expresses his willingness to face opposition from radical left Democrats. Trump makes it clear that he will appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the claims against the Biden family. He reiterates his determination to fight against the Deep State and promises to destroy it once he is back in office. The video effectively captures Trump’s fiery rhetoric as he takes aim at his political adversaries.