Trump Tells VIRAL Story of How He Threatened to BLOW UP Taliban Leader’s Home During Phone Call

Said your Excellency why but why Do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're gonna have to figure That one out for yourself No borders high taxes everything they do You know I made a speech recently and I Used this term and I didn't even know we Were using it but I used it every day is Like April Fool's Day We want no borders no no You've got to have borders we want no Walls no no you got to have walls Everything is like the opposite this is April fools right we want high taxes no No we want to keep our taxes low We want no guns no no we want people to Be able to Protect themselves and also enjoy it as Entertainment and go out and hunt and do The things that you want to do it's Almost like April fools everything that They do is like We want to have a weak military we want Our military to be woke you know we Built we rebuilt the entire U.S military We had planes that were 48 years old We built brand new beautiful Jets we had Planes where the grandfathers were Flying the same plane as the grandson But we rebuilt our entire military I Mean I hate to say this we gave 85 Billion dollars of it to the Taliban in Afghanistan In probably the most embarrassing single

Moment in the history of our country Which I believe led to Russia going in They would have never done that with us But I believe it led to that and led to A lot of bad things that was the most Embarrassing period of time I think in Our nation's history not only that the Soldiers killed 13 killed many just Horribly horribly wounded hurt no arms No legs faces were just so badly hurt And we left a lot of people there too And then we gave up Bagram Air Base a Big Air Base one hour from where China Makes its nuclear weapons you should Have never given that up And I call it a surrender we actually Surrendered we were in great shape you Know um If you look back on that history you're Going to see something that was Interesting I dealt with Abdul Abdul was The leader of the Taliban and I took a Lot of heat from all of those fake news People back there And he said why do you call Abdul Abdul Is the leader of the Taliban they're the Ones that were fighting and fighting Hard And I related to Jesse James I say well Jesse James a great bank robber great Outlaw they said why do you always rob Banks Jesse he said because that's where The money is so when I dealt with Abdul He's the one that was shooting our

Young soldiers and others With snipers and lots of other things And I said Abdul you can't do that you Can't do that over the phone And you do that you're gonna suffer like Nobody's ever suffered your whole Community is going to be terrible will Hit you harder than anybody's ever been Hit He said your Excellency why but why Do you send me a picture of my home I said Abdul you're gonna have to figure That one out for yourself But you know what we didn't lose One soldier in 18 months now think of it Not one soldier was even shot at They were at Bay And we were going to get out with pride And with dignity we're going to take all Of our equipment out I told the generals I want every screw I won every Bolt I want every tank I want every plane I Want every helicopter I want everything Out sir can we leave the hangers you Know those big canvas covered hangers Nope they come out General Sir I think It would be a lot easier to leave the Equipment behind this was Millie that's When I realized he's a fool I said so you mean to tell me General That if we have a hundred million dollar Airplane sitting there you want to leave That and you think that's a good thing Leave the airplane leave the helicopters

Which they did leave all of this very Expensive we could just fill it up with A little jet fuel and fly it to Pakistan Or fly at home Uh yes sir I think it would be a good Idea to leave it that's where these Ideas came from can you imagine we left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment In Afghanistan and I just read a report The other day that they are about the Second largest seller of arms in the Whole world We sell more than they do a little bit But they're the second largest can you Imagine that they're so because they Don't need 700 000 rifles you know we Left behind talking about guns NRA 700 000 guns and rifles some of them the Finest In the world some of them even are People right up here that are so wealthy I know them they wish they could afford Guns like we left behind for the Taliban Think of it seven hundred thousand Seventy thousand Vehicles many of them Armor plated costing millions of dollars A piece we left it all behind like a Bunch of fools we're led by stupid People and let me tell you we've never Been in such danger in our life