Trump Spotter Overseas Driving Something GREAT as He Expands His International Empire

Got some breaking news Donald Trump was Spotted driving a tractor on his Scottish golf course the former President took a Hands-On approach to Expand his golf Empire while focusing on Making America great again I'm Gary Franchi I want you to stay updated Subscribe and enable notifications for The latest news on Donald Trump and more Former president Donald Trump Demonstrated his dedication to his golf Course expansion in Scotland personally Driving a tractor and overseeing the Progress Trump's focus on his businesses And the make America great again message Remain unwavering while in Scotland Trump was greeted by Sarah Malone the Executive Vice President of Trump's International Golf Links Scotland he was Eager to inspect his properties and Share the updates on his truth social Platform boasting that his Holdings were Among the greatest in the world Trump Personally involved himself in the Development driving a tractor to ensure The expansion of his golf Empire went Smoothly Now he was also joined by his son Eric Eric Trump and he plans a ribbon coat he Planned a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a Spectacular second course in Aberdeen This project showcases the former President's commitment to growing his Businesses and creating jobs both in the

U.S and abroad In the midst of managing his Golf Properties Trump is also preparing for Campaign events and key Battleground States he recently announced a rally in Des Moines Iowa an important location For Republican candidates this year this Rally follows his appearance in New Hampshire last week where he introduced A new nickname for President Joe Biden Calling him crooked Joe Now according to the morning consult Trump leaves the 2024 Republican primary Field with 58 percent the only other Potential candidate who has reached Double digits is Governor Ron DeSantis Who boasts 21 percent DeSantis has not Announced a bid for the White House in 2024 but he is expected to do so this Summer in addition to his campaign Events Trump will also appear in a live Town Hall event hosted by of all Networks CNN on May 10th and during this Event he will answer questions directly From CNN's Caitlin Collins as well as From audience members made up of New Hampshire Republican and Undeclared Voters who say they intend to vote in The New Hampshire Republican Presidential primary This town hall is the first of many Planned by CNN in the lead up to the 2024 presidential election In a display of dedication and Hands-On

Leadership former president Donald Trump Drove a tractor to expand his golf Empire in Scotland while maintaining Focus on his re-election campaign and Making America great again as Trump's Campaign gains momentum and his Businesses continue to grow the former President remains steadfast and is Commitment to America's Prosperity stay Tuned as we follow this developing story And the impact it may have on Trump's Political future next news has all the Updates don't miss a beat let's continue The conversation in the comments below For the next News Network I'm Gary Franchi Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags under your eyes or other Typical signs of aging are appearing More and more frequently in your face Well it may not be the result of the Stress of the New Year the presence of Wrinkles and other signs of aging are Some of the most reliable indicators That your collagen levels are low by Using this multi-collagen powder which I Love to use you'll be able to experience The healthy aging effects of collagen That it has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face I'm very pleased with the results that

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