Trump ROASTS “Nasty” CNN Lady

Heres a revised intro: In what appears to be another chapter in the never-ending feud between the White House and CNN Donald Trump took a shot at a CNN correspondent at a recent press conference calling her a nasty reporter. The incident has caused quite a stir online and sparked a heated debate about the role of the media in holding politicians accountable. In this article well take a closer look at what happened and share some thoughts on the implications of the presidents remarks.


In an interview with Kaitlin Collins from CNN on BlazeTV former President Donald Trump faced questions about a subpoena for documents. However instead of answering the questions directly Trump insulted Collins and diverted the conversation to his usual targets – Joe Biden and Barack Obama.

In this article lets dive into the details of this interview and analyze Trumps behavior.

Trumps Reaction to the Subpoena

During the interview Collins asked Trump about the subpoena for documents that he had received. Trumps reaction was not surprising as he often disregards such questions and prefers to focus on criticizing his opponents.

Instead of giving a straightforward answer Trump referred to Collins as a nasty CNN lady and attacked the networks credibility. This behavior is not uncommon for Trump as he has a history of attacking journalists who he perceives as hostile towards him and his administration.

Trumps Focus on Biden and Obama

Although the interview was about the subpoena for documents Trump quickly shifted the conversation to Joe Biden and Barack Obama. He criticized the former administration for their supposed failures and accused them of various wrongdoings.

Trumps fixation on his opponents is a hallmark of his political career and often dominates his public appearances. However it does little to answer the pressing questions the public May have about his actions.

Trumps Avoidance of the Question

When Collins asked Trump why he had held onto the subpoenaed documents knowing that the government was seeking them he did not provide a clear answer. Instead he once again insulted Collins and shifted the conversation to his perceived enemies.

Trumps avoidance of the question is a tactic often used by politicians when they do not wish to provide a clear answer. By attacking Collins and changing the subject Trump attempted to deflect the focus away from himself.


In conclusion Trumps behavior in this interview is consistent with his past patterns of behavior. When faced with difficult questions he often attacks his questioners and avoids providing clear answers.

As a public figure Trumps actions have consequences and his lack of transparency only fuels the publics mistrust of the political system. Its important for public officials to be accountable for their actions and its up to journalists like Collins to hold them responsible.


  1. What is BlazeTV?
    BlazeTV is a conservative news and entertainment channel.

  2. Where can I watch the interview with Trump and Collins?
    The interview is available on BlazeTVs YouTube channel.

  3. Has Trump been subpoenaed for documents before?
    Yes Trump has faced multiple subpoenas for documents during his time as president.

  4. What is the significance of the subpoena for documents?
    The subpoena for documents is likely connected to ongoing investigations into Trumps actions during his time as president.

  5. How has the public responded to Trumps behavior in this interview?
    Opinions are divided with some supporting Trumps behavior and others condemning it as unprofessional and disrespectful.