“Trump or DeSantis”


As a dedicated supporter of Donald Trump, I have been a fan of his long before it became popular. I firmly believe that Trump is the candidate who embodies the qualities and values that I hold dear. In this article, I will discuss why I believe Trump is the best choice for the future and why I think it was a huge mistake for DeSantis to turn down the opportunity to speak at an event. Let’s dive in and explore the reasons behind my support for Trump.

Trump’s Legacy and Political Awakening

  1. I have been following Trump’s journey since the beginning, and I must say that his impact on American politics is undeniable.
  2. Trump’s presidency awakened a greater political awareness among the people.
  3. The legacy he left behind has ignited a passion for politics in many, including me.

Staying Informed and Engaged

  1. To stay updated with the latest news and insights from the world of Trump, I subscribe to the podcast that provides regular updates on his actions and plans.
  2. Additionally, I sign up for The Benny Newsletter, which keeps me informed about important events and developments related to Trump.
  3. To stay connected with Trump’s thoughts and opinions, I faithfully follow him on all his social media channels.

Trump’s Potential Candidacy in 2024

  1. One of the things that excites me the most is the possibility of Trump running for president again in 2024.
  2. I eagerly await an official announcement from him because I firmly believe that he is the best choice for the future of our nation.
  3. Trump’s experience, leadership, and dedication to the American people make him the ideal candidate.

Trump vs. DeSantis: A Mistake by DeSantis

  1. Recently, there was an event where DeSantis had the opportunity to speak, but he turned it down.
  2. In my opinion, this was a huge mistake on DeSantis’s part.
  3. DeSantis should understand that people are more politically awake now, thanks to Trump’s legacy.
  4. By turning down such an opportunity, DeSantis missed an important chance to connect with the American people and showcase his ideas and leadership.


In conclusion, as a dedicated supporter of Donald Trump, I firmly believe that he is the best choice for the future. Trump’s legacy, impact on political awakening, and potential candidacy in 2024 make him the ideal candidate to lead our nation. While DeSantis may have made a mistake by turning down an important event, it is clear to me that Trump’s leadership is unparalleled. Let’s stand united and support Trump’s mission to make America great again.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews