When comedian Kathy Griffin posed with a Severed head of former president Donald Trump many on the left saw it as a Harmless joke but us sane people didn't However it seems like the joke is on her As she just announced some trumped-up Diagnoses to get attention thanks for Watching Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker filling in from my YouTube Youtube.com Ivory Hecker your Freedom's At stake get the news that impacts America tap subscribe to preserve it Before I get to that wrinkles Fine Lines Bags under your eyes or just other usual Signs of aging maybe more than just Stress within a year there's a Possibility that your collagen levels Are low after taking collagen powder for Just one week I've noticed a significant Reduction in wrinkles and Fine Lines by Visiting healthwithgary.com or clicking More underneath the video you can get a Bag for 51 off plus several free bonuses For their New Year's sale now back to The news In a dramatic reveal the comedian Kathy Griffin recently announced on Tick Tock That she has been diagnosed with complex Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD A real disorder that many brave men and Women in uniform suffer from for Enduring horrid things while defending Our country what could Hollywood Griffin Possibly experience that could cause
Such a serious diagnosis well Kathy Griffin a self proclaimed Trump hater For likes once thought it would be funny To post a photo of herself holding a Severed head of the former president the Photo caused uproar and was widely Criticized by people of all political Persuasions while she might have Expected some backlash the comedian Jokingly implied in her announcement That it might have something to do with Trump this led to what is described as An extreme case of PTSD let's first Describe PTSD for a better understanding PTSD is a mental health disorder that Can occur After experiencing or Witnessing a traumatic event the Symptoms can include flashbacks to the Event nightmares negative thoughts and Anxiety While PTSD is common among people who Have experienced physical or sexual Assault War veterans and others who have Experienced significant trauma it is Highly unusual for someone to develop The condition after being a social media Troll watch part of her announcement Okay Tick Tock let's talk about it then Let's talk about PTSD never talked about It publicly Um I think this is the place to do it Because I've seen a lot of videos about It and stuff anyway this is going to Sound whatever you can laugh or whatever
But I've been diagnosed with complex PTSD and Um It's they call it an extreme case So I'm um I would love to hear from you Guys about those of you that have dogs With me yeah I'll feed the dogs like That helps me to get up and feed the Dogs anyway I'd love to hear from you Guys about depression or anxiety or Stuff like that how you cope if any of You know my story you'll understand that This this really started for me about Five and a half years ago wink You know and the cancer didn't help all Right I look forward to reading the Comments Well the next step for her is to seek Professional help by trying eye movement Desensitization and reprocessing therapy EMDR at least we can all agree on the Seeking professional help part the Cleveland Clinic describes this method As involving moving your eyes in Specific ways well you process Traumatizing Memories the goal of EMDR Is to help you heal from trauma and Other distressing life experiences Perhaps our PTSD stump stems from the Time she was banned on Twitter By the greatest troll of time Elon Musk That makes more sense than the bogus Reason she's giving us when musk Responded to Griffin's ban he joked that
Her offense was impersonating a comedian But then he added she could have her Account back if she paid the new Eight Dollar Twitter blue monthly fee to be Verified The Twitter ban is the only Justification For her PTSD nothing else Kathy Griffin Has been nothing but nasty to Republicans since Trump came down from The escalator in 2015 and she expects People to believe she has PTSD from Nothing We may not know what goes on in our Private life but we sure do know what Goes on in our public life if it is Indeed a real diagnosis she might as Well have seen the same Canadian Doctor Who diagnosed some women with climate Change let me know your thoughts let's Continue this conversation in the Comments below for Next News Network I'm Ivory Hecker Thank you for watching that report if You started to notice that wrinkles Fine Lines bags on your eyes or other typical Signs of aging are appearing more and More frequently in her face well it may Not be the result of the stress of the New Year the presence of wrinkles and Other signs of aging are some of the Most reliable indicators that your Collagen levels are low by using this Multi-collagen powder which I love to
Use you'll be able to experience the Healthy aging effects of collagen that It has on your skin as a result of Taking this for a week I've noticed a Significant reduction in the appearance Of wrinkles and fine lines on my face I'm very pleased with the results that I've seen it's had an amazing effect on Me and I want you to experience the same Go to healthwithgary.com to get a bag For 51 off plus several free bonuses Before their new year sale ends you can Find the link for healthwithgary.com Under the video or you can click the Word more at the bottom to find the link And get ready to look your best this Brand new year at healthwithgary.com We'll see you at the next report for the Next News Network I'm Gary franchi You possess the power to impact the Global narrative please share this Report and to get more videos like this Become a Next News subscriber by Clicking the link below thank you for Watching the next News Network