Trump Family Travels To Maui in Secret Visit To Serve Fire Victims After Biden FLIPPED-OFF By Island


In a recent video released by Benny Johnson, it was revealed that Ivanka Trump, daughter of billionaire Donald Trump, made a secret visit to Maui to help families impacted by the devastating wildfires. This visit comes at a time when the media remains silent about Ivanka’s efforts and the ongoing struggles faced by thousands of displaced individuals in Maui. This article will delve into the details of Ivanka Trump’s visit, highlighting her contribution, while also discussing the lack of support from prominent figures, such as Oprah Winfrey and Joe Biden.

Ivanka Trump’s Benevolent Act

In a heartwarming display of compassion, Ivanka Trump joined hands with CityServe International to distribute much-needed food, supplies, water, and gift cards to families affected by the wildfires in Maui. Despite being the daughter of a billionaire, Ivanka ensured that her visit went unnoticed, demonstrating her dedication towards making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

CityServe International, a humanitarian organization committed to serving communities in crisis, partnered with Ivanka Trump to extend a helping hand to the fire-affected families. Together, they provided essential resources, including meals, water, produce, and gift cards, to alleviate the immediate suffering caused by the wildfires. This show of solidarity not only provided tangible assistance but also lifted the spirits of the people of Lahaina, reminding them that they are not forgotten in their time of need.

The Media Silence

Despite the significant impact of Ivanka Trump’s visit, the media has remained remarkably silent on the matter. While it is not uncommon for the media to focus on political controversies, it is disheartening to witness the lack of coverage given to Ivanka’s efforts in aiding the Maui fire victims. The media’s silence perpetuates a sense of apathy towards the struggles faced by those affected by natural disasters and the urgent need for support during trying times.

Thousands Still Displaced

It is vital to recognize that even after the wildfires have been contained, thousands of individuals in Maui still remain displaced. The destruction caused by these fires cannot be understated, with many families losing their homes and livelihoods. As the affected families try to rebuild their lives, support from influential figures and media coverage can make a significant difference in their journey towards recovery.

Oprah’s Inaction

One notable figure who has been conspicuously absent during this humanitarian crisis is Oprah Winfrey. As the largest landowner in Maui, one would expect Oprah to offer assistance and support to the fire victims. However, her silence has been deafening, with no indication of any contribution towards the recovery efforts. Furthermore, Oprah has turned off comments on her social media posts regarding the wildfires, raising questions about her lack of transparency and accountability.

Joe Biden’s Absence

Another prominent figure who has failed to acknowledge the plight of the fire victims in Maui is Joe Biden. Despite positioning himself as a champion for the people, Biden’s absence during this crisis raises concerns about his genuine commitment to serving the community. It is imperative for leaders to show up in times of need, offering support and reassurance to those affected by natural disasters.


In conclusion, Ivanka Trump’s secret visit to Maui and her efforts to serve the fire victims have showcased her commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need. Her partnership with CityServe International and their joint distribution of food, water, produce, and gift cards brought much-needed relief to the affected families. However, the media’s silence on Ivanka’s visit and the lack of support from influential figures like Oprah Winfrey and Joe Biden raises questions about their true dedication towards helping those in crisis. As communities in Maui continue to rebuild their lives after the devastating wildfires, it is essential to remember that no one should be forgotten or left behind in times of need.

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