#Trump EXPOSES shocking state of US cities – but reveals plan to save them! 😱👀

Homelessness drug addiction and violence Have plagued America's cities for years And former president Donald Trump Believes it's time to tackle the issue In an urgent video message Trump Outlines his plan to combat this crisis And make Cities Safe clean and beautiful Once again he proposes creating 10 Cities that use inexpensive land to Relocate the homeless population and Provide them with treatment and services From professionals such as doctors Psychiatrists and social workers Trump Suggests arresting violators of urban Camping bans but offering them the Option of accepting treatment and Rehabilitation He also emphasizes the importance of Reintegrating individuals who are Temporarily down on their luck or Dealing with common mental health Problems back into normal life In his unwavering message Trump calls on All Americans to join in support of Making our cities a symbol of Hope and Prosperity once again

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