I rise in opposition to these amendments And to the governor's letter in the Governor's letter He said montanans who struggle with Their gender identity deserve love Compassion and respect that's not what Trans montanans need from you we need Access to the medical care that saves Our lives and these are Hollow words Coming from someone whose amendments are Going to make it harder to access that Care The bill says it does not prohibit Social affirmations that's not Necessarily too true it prohibits the Use of state buildings for advocating For or allowing a social transitioning It says that it allows the access to Psychotherapy that treat montanans Struggling with their gender identity If you disallow the use of the medical Care that is accepted by every Major Medical Association if you disallow that Care and don't allow people to to have Access to that the only therapy left is Either a meaningless or B conversion Therapy which is torture I also want to point out again Gender affirming care is not orwellian News speak as it says in this letter it Is accepted by every Major Medical Association I will also say what I said down Committee earlier this bill uses tries
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To Define male and female as binary you Could not legislate binary sex any more Than you could legislate that the Earth Is flat intersex people exist trans People exist and this bill doesn't Change that Um Lastly I would say that there were Conversations at the end of this at the Very end of the bill the letter that Says life altering medical procedures Should wait until they were adults what I will say is if you are buy this bill And by what these amendments do if you Are forcing a trans child to go through Puberty when they are trans that is Tantamount to torture And this body should be ashamed And if you vote Yes on this amendment And yes on this bill Ooh I love this Does everyone want to stand Representatives after would you like to Close oh sorry I'm yielding to the Majority leader majority leader Thank you Mr chairman I speak on behalf Of our caucus we will not be shamed by Anyone in this chamber we are better Than that Representative Zephyr Then the only thing I will say is if I If you vote Yes on this bill And yes on these amendments I hope the Next time there's an invocation when you
Bow your heads in prayer you see the Blood on your hands Seeing no further discussion Rep The chair recognizes Majority Leader Vinton Thank you Mr chairman I will note that That is entirely inappropriate Disrespectful and uncalled for we can Debate matters Civilly and with respect for each other Thank you Thank you Majority Leader representative Secons Crow would you care to close Thank you Mr chair We have been here before discussing this Very difficult topic We do know That families are struggling right now We do know That youth are struggling right now And we do know that there is help out There for them however help does not Come out in the form of medically Transitioning our youth because that is Permanent And they can't take it back and we know That that's the time of life where There's so many changes these Amendments are good amendments I encourage you to vote Yes The question now arises on the motion of Representatives grow that when this Committee does rise and report after
Having had under consideration the Governor's amendment to Senate Bill 99 The same be concurred in those in favor Of the motion vote I Those opposed vote no Are there any absentee votes Mr chair Representative Weatherwax votes no as Every member voted does any member wish To change his or her vote if not the Clerk will record the vote Mr chair 66 Representatives have voted I-34 are voted no the governor's Amendments to Senate Bill 99 have been Concurred in