An expert on leading your best life once Said love your neighbor as you love Yourself Yeah he said it and while that Tempest Of wisdom contained in the teapot of Verbal economy has come to us down Through the Ages across oh so many Generations of human beings repeating it I think we still often don't realize What it means Love your neighbor as yourself well We'll Circle back to that but let us Consider a couple of terms that have Wedged themselves into a Zeitgeist that Seems to have itself turned around and Wedged into the door of our Collective Generational psyches in short that Zeitgeist just won't zeit die off now Here's here are the terms Self-esteem and self-worth think about Those two things self-esteem and Self-worth there are two sides of a same Psychologically pure out game that we've Been playing with ourselves for decades In this country and if you think for one Second that I didn't notice that I've Said loving yourself and playing with Yourself in the same monologue well you Don't get up this early in the morning As I do yeah you thought you were going To catch me anyway Break it down simply self-worth is how You really feel about yourself Self-esteem is how you deal with how you
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Really feel about yourself now on the Self-worth end you might feel like a Hapless hopeless useless brainless piss Poor example of a human being who never Should have been released off the Factory floor much less released into The open market of humanity but that's Where your self-esteem kicks in you see A while back the Eggheads of our society Determined that you needed to create a Version of yourself that not only lived In your head as the shining example of The person you wish you were but also as The projection you would shine out to The rest of the world so as a result we Adopted this notion and have carried on With this self-esteem driving our Presentation of self to the world and to Our own psyches ever since then now if This sounds a little too familiar to you For Comfort don't worry pretty much all Of us battle with this in some form or Another throughout our lives most of us Never get any better so if you're making Progress you should be happy and how oh How do we begin to make that progress Address well as with pretty much every Other spiritual upgrade available to us As human beings we look to the feet of The master that's right love yourself as You love your neighbor what does that Mean well try reversing the statement And it becomes a little bit clearer if You understand actual love as it is
Lived in a verb sense and not felt in an Adjective sense then when I tell you to Love your neighbor you get it you take That person for everything he or she is And everything he or she can be and you Do as our Lord did and you die to Yourself for them you help them carry The burden of being human you walk down The road with them in spirit of Helpfulness in short you love them you Love them it doesn't mean you ignore the Fact that they're flawed and it doesn't Mean you enable them to do wrong or Harmful things love can be tough but at The end of the day it all comes from the Same place and that place is rooted in a Genuine desire to see them both attain And do good things in the world now that You've narrowed down and more clearly Defined that beam of Love aim it at Yourself yeah yeah turn it around Towards you let it drive away self-worth And self-esteem those Concepts can only Take you so far in life and they fall Short of the glory of God who as we will All remember is love and with that I'm Just going to say you can now close your Bible see that's the whole thing we Esteem ourselves way too highly You know somebody says you know Something bad about you and you get Offended well there are things you've Said bad about yourself Internally for a long time
You could say that about yourself but You can't let somebody else do it and You see that's your internal your Self-worth you've been telling yourself That you're no good you don't have any Worth that's a bad thing but yet to the World you're trying to esteem yourself Highly somebody else says something bad That agrees with your lack of self-worth And suddenly your self-esteem takes over And you become you know offended That's where a fence comes from because You've esteemed your opinion you've Esteemed your way of life your Viewpoint Your Paradigm your world view anything Your attitude you've esteemed how you Feel today higher than anybody else Right And uh and when it doesn't go that way Well then you get offended by that you Got to stop all that stuff you got to Stop all that stuff start esteeming Others more highly than yourself and I Guarantee you that whole love Factor Starts to take over it's hard Days I don't know if y'all know that or Not Chris Saying B Dalai Lama and say suck my Tongue kind of thing Um and and I mean like there's these People like there's this trans activist That had this solution for aborted Babies if you got that clip I'm throwing
Y'all curveballs here All right now try to love this person go Ahead I dare you Hi Unless you little gummy bear looking and Eat them right in front of you I'm gonna Blend them into a smoothie eat them Right in front of you I'm gonna be Eating these little babies and what are They gonna do cry to God about it let's Try to do strike me down with a Lightning Vault like this Now don't you love how I tell you to Love other people and then throw that Curveball at you and just just challenge You right off the bat So how do I deal with somebody like that Well I think that if get if you're ever given The opportunity you speak the truth in Love Um you're not gonna win that person over By arguing with them uh it's not your Responsibility to try to save that Person from themselves but that's a Perfect example that's a person who has Very low self-worth right there That's a person who's doing everything They can to esteem themselves highly and Even use shock value to try to get your Reaction because even your negativity Directed towards them it's like a dog That you put in the you put in the crate And it cries all night long and it you
Know even if you were to come and spank That dog that dog will keep crying Because at least you're giving it some Form of affirmation you're coming and Spanking the dog it's negative Affirmation but at least it's Hands-On And they'll continue to get your Attention that's what this girl is doing Here by talking about you know blending Up aborted babies and making a smoothie Out of them and eating them and then People like you and me what are we going To do cry to our god about it See this is this is what we're up Against here this is what we're up Against we're sitting here fighting our Own esteem battles and we've got people Out there who are you know breaking Through the breaking through the walls That we've built up with this kind of Nonsense and now you got to deal with it It's thrust upon you You can ignore it uh which sometimes you Should sometimes you should just ignore It