Y'all really want to try to say there Aren't trans kids let me tell you what There are there aren't CIS kids okay you Telling your child oh you're a boy You're a girl this is a child this is a Free spirit that has not learned any of That until you force it on them So cisness is the wound sickness is the Delusion cisness is the LIE cisness is The place of pain transness is the Healing transness is the growth Transness is the truth this is how you Know these people are 100 ideologues you Don't have to teach a little boy how to Be a little boy or a little girl how to Be a little girl they simply are that by Their nature of being it's not being Forced upon them and guess what blue Haired guy you you could call yourself Whatever but ultimately you are a man That's a biological truth and I'm sorry You feel that cisness is pain but that Seems like a mental health issue more so Than anything you do with your gender Identity and these activists have Created this new definition of gender That it needs to be performative or Whatever and they use that to back up Their craziness