THIS New Whistleblower is a ‘REALLY BIG DEAL’

THIS New Whistleblower is a ‘REALLY BIG DEAL’

So the latest in Hunter Biden story is a Really big deal uh and really going to Change the game uh I think on the 100 oh Yeah What well let me let me clarify here is It a really big deal Because it's true because it's true and It's going to give us incredible new Information about Hunter Biden or Because that's boring or is it a really Big deal that's actually going to make a Difference because I feel like I'm Promised this all the time and I know I Know I know it never never so here's What I This reveals How corrupt Everything in Washington is so Uh it will mean nothing unless Uh you start cleaning up the corruption Because this is just roping in everybody And the testimony that is coming in done By the uh the house is stunning so There's a new whistleblower Now Hunter Biden got a new high-powered Legal team and he brought a war room Together Uh The guy uh David Brock I think didn't he Go over to the War Room a lot of the People from Media Matters etc etc Um and this legal team And this really aggressive public uh Relations team put out on the New York

Times the justice department in the Person of a U.S attorney in Delaware David Weiss was moving toward letting Hunter Biden off easy the New York Times Said Mr Weiss and people familiar with The investigation says it appears to be Focused on a less politically explosive Set of possible charges stemming from Hunter Biden's failure to meet filing Deadlines for his taxes and questions About whether he falsely claimed at Least thirty thousand dollars in Deductions for business expenses so this Would have been nothing nothing okay Slap on the wrist Now there's a new story that is out and It came out this week on why this is Taking so long and what is really going On and it comes from a high-level Whistleblower at the IRS He's been working with the justice Department on the Honda Biden Investigation he is a career IRS Criminal supervisory special agent He's retained a letter uh he's retained A lawyer and written a letter to Congress claiming the Biden Administration is interfering with the Investigation into the president's son The anonymous special agent sent the Letter and said look I I am not going to reveal who I am I'm Not going to reveal all of the facts Unless

You promise my safety Okay That's kind of interesting uh he said I Need to be have the appropriate legal Protections And that uh I will only do it if I can Be secure Okay So what is he saying So what he's saying is really I think Game changing He is saying that the let me go to Merrick Garland Um because Merrick Garland is at the Heart of the whistleblower's claim Um When the Attorney General was uh uh Sworn in He said you know look I'm staying way Away from this there's no preferential Treatment at all okay The longtime IRS employee wants to Provide information to Congressional Leaders to contradict the sworn Testimony to Congress by Garland okay That he is receiving preferential Treatment Garland said there's no Interference nothing I have nothing to Do with it Um the the guy uh uh is uh Uh the guy is the supervisor of the uh Investigation we put the guy in Delaware We put him in charge of it it's he's a Trump appointee he's from the previous

Administration he's the U.S attorney for The District of Delaware I've met him as The Attorney General he's committed to The independence and we have nothing to Do with it So what's happening is they are Dismissing at the IRS all the things The Whistleblower said these are clear huge Crimes And we would be pursuing them All the time But uh The the attorney general or the uh the District attorney there in Delaware Is dismissing them and he's saying it's Because of Merit garland that Garland is Putting a rope around things and saying No you don't you know you don't need That but he's doing it in such a way to Where Weiss Is just not asking for Stuff And the IRS is like ah what about this No no we don't need that and then Merrick Garland can say well he didn't Want it so it must not have been Important So Merrick Garland is is dirty in this Thing and listen to who else it ropes in Another official testified this week This guy's from the CIA He's the guy who helped write and sign The 2020 2020 uh Biden laptop letter From all the you know uh Former Intel people yeah he's the guy

Who did it Uh He says now Mike Morrell former acting CIA director under President Barack Obama Said in a transcribed interview with a Congressional investigators that before His October 17th phone call with Anthony Blinken He had no intention of writing the October 19th Hunter Biden laptop letter He testified yes and absolutely when he Asked if the call with blinken who was Then the top advisor for Joe Biden's Campaign is what triggered that intent In you so he gets onto a phone with Blinken he's not going to write anything About it he hangs up and he writes the Letter Was it blinken's phone call that made You write the letter yes he also Testified that one of the two reasons he Helped put the letter together was to Help Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump So now we have pretty much a hostile Witness here guy who used to work for Obama Testifying that Anthony blinken who's Now our secretary of state Had that written and Merrick Garland is Is putting ropes around uh what you can Investigate and what you can't Investigate Fascinating so this when you say is this

Going to lead to something I don't know Because it's not just about Hunter and Joe Biden now Now this is about the people at the IRS That this guy is whistleblowing on it's About uh Anthony blinken it is about Merrick Garland it's about the president And who knows who else was involved in This I've never in my lifetime Yeah I have never seen Uh our American government this corrupt You know you know why people aren't Going to jail when they testify falsely To Congress Because Congress can only refer it to The justice department They can only say this guy is contempt Of congress uh he lied under oath then They refer that to the justice Department and the justice department Has to decide do we hold them and put Them in jail do we try them for that or Not Congress can only refer them So you could get in front of Congress And lie your butt off If you have control of the justice Department How are you going to nail Merrick Garland I mean you better make sure that You maintain control of the justice Department that's uh that's key to that Little game but yeah it's something it Gives you a huge line of defense and

Then afterward you can just claim uh Well they're just coming after me Because of politics So it it does this is why I'm skeptical That these things ever lead to anything The good thing is just like there's Always some left-wing Nut Job who is Trying to you know take out every Prominent conservative there are people Who are moderates and conservatives Throughout the government who are seeing The abuses here and are not going to Stand up for them now whether they're Whistleblowing turns into something I mean this is a movie this is a movie Yeah Um you're looking at the cover-up what Are these people willing to do I mean Hunter Biden Joe Biden they knew they Could get away with it because they were Gonna They had their cronies At the heads of the government and they Know once dad's either dead or out of Office nobody's gonna nobody's gonna Bring this up he just has to make it Through his terms in office and then Nobody will bring it up and it'll just Go away That can't happen this time that cannot Happen we have to know the truth and Somebody has to pay the price you can't Just whitewash Merrick Garland I mean I I was reading some of this

Stuff today and I thought That guy almost was a Supreme Court Justice you know I didn't know anything About him I thought okay well maybe I Don't know another liberal another Liberal judge all right I thought he was Just a liberal no this guy I think is Corrupt to the core I think too part of It he's that way even more now because He's been convinced like everyone else On the left that Republicans stole that Seed on the Supreme Court which is a Completely ridiculous thing and shows His character yeah but yeah it's easy to Be it's easy to have you know decent Carry uh character when everything's Going your way when you start to have Pushback What's your character Yeah and that's an insane telling of That story Republicans had control of The Senate even if I got a vote I Wouldn't have gone through but beyond That though and this just goes all the Way to the top we always talk about the Bidens but Anthony blinken which by the Way no h not Anthony I'm sorry Anthony Blinken uh is the Secretary of State I Know I mean this these are people that Were manipulating the certainly at the Very least the politics surrounding the Election and not only that he's the guy The the state department was the one That directed The Pentagon on how to

Evacuate people in Afghanistan wasn't Just the Pentagon it for the very first Time it was the state department and he Was in charge of it he also did you Notice when they were talking about Sending all the money over to Ukraine It's going through Anthony yeah and the State department all of this corruption That stems really around Ukraine for a Decade All the same people are involved all the Same people are traveling back and forth And all the people who seem to also be Connected now to uh Hunter Biden's Scandal They're all in the pipeline of money Going all around the world and Anthony Blinken is a legit Biden guy like this Is the type of guy that was you know When the Obama Administration was filled With people who thought Obama was God And were sort of embarrassed by Biden That's not Anthony Anthony blinken's a Dedicated Biden guy and you wonder why There's not turnover at some of these Positions they all know this stuff they All know what they've done you can't Fire people like Anthony blinking Because he's been running interference And burying bodies uh you know of course We're talking figuratively here uh all Over the place for the past 30 years These people you can't fire them no Matter how bad you think things are

Going they don't stay around forever I Don't think they think it's going poorly But I mean if you've got the if you got The crew that is willing to bury bodies And willing to deal corruptly why would You fire them you want somebody who's Not in your inner circle no oh They might catch on to something