They Refuse to Talk About it

Welcome to our blog post! Today, we want to shed light on a topic that seems to ignite discomfort among many individuals – something they refuse to talk about. As we navigate through this discussion, we hope to create a safe space for open dialogue and exploration of this often-avoided subject. Join us as we delve into the reasons behind this silence and unveil the importance of addressing such matters. Together, we can break the barriers and initiate a much-needed conversation. Let’s dive in!


In today’s article, we delve into a controversial issue that has been making headlines recently: the refusal to discuss certain matters. Specifically, we will explore the ongoing silence surrounding Hunter Biden’s art sales and the concerns that have arisen as a result. Join us as we uncover the details surrounding this topic and shed light on why some key players are refusing to address these questions.

Heading 1: Services are paying $16,000 a month for a stage near Hunter Biden in Malibu.

In an interesting turn of events, it has been reported that services are paying an astounding $16,000 per month for a stage near Hunter Biden’s residence in Malibu. This exorbitant fee has undoubtedly captivated the attention of many, leading to questions regarding the nature of these services and their potential influence on Hunter’s activities.

Heading 2: Hunter Biden is reportedly selling art to pay for his $15,800 monthly rent in Malibu.

To cover his hefty monthly rent of $15,800 in Malibu, Hunter Biden has reportedly turned to selling his artwork. While this may initially seem like a straightforward solution to his financial obligations, the circumstances surrounding these art sales have raised eyebrows and given rise to concerns. Is the sale of his art a genuine endeavor, or could there be ulterior motives at play?

Heading 3: There are concerns that people may buy his art to gain favor with the president.

Given Hunter Biden’s familial ties to the President of the United States, concerns have been raised that individuals might purchase his artwork simply to gain favor with the Biden administration. This potential exploitation of his connections has led to increased scrutiny and calls for transparency regarding the buyers and their motivations.

Heading 4: The White House refuses to guarantee that this will not happen.

Despite the mounting concerns, the White House has surprisingly refused to provide any guarantee that individuals purchasing Hunter Biden’s art will not receive any undue benefits or preferential treatment. This refusal has generated further speculation and fueled the ongoing debate surrounding this controversial issue.

Heading 5: Hunter Biden’s representatives need to answer questions about his art sales.

As the spotlight intensifies on Hunter Biden’s art sales, the need for answers becomes increasingly urgent. It is essential that Hunter’s representatives step forward and address the questions surrounding these sales. By doing so, they can promote transparency and alleviate the doubts that have emerged.

Heading 6: A former associate of Hunter Biden has claimed that he sold access to then Vice President Biden.

Adding a new layer of complexity to the situation, a former associate of Hunter Biden has made allegations suggesting that he sold access to then Vice President Biden. These serious accusations have cast a shadow over Hunter’s art sales and further heightened the need for transparency and accountability.

Heading 7: The White House declines to comment on these allegations.

As the accusations swirl, the White House has chosen to maintain a steadfast silence. By declining to comment on the aforementioned allegations, they have allowed speculation to flourish and the public’s concerns to escalate. The lack of a clear response only deepens the mystery surrounding the situation.

Heading 8: They refuse to get involved in the issue.

Not only has the White House remained silent on the allegations but they have also taken a step further by refusing to get involved in the matter altogether. This withdrawal from the discussion has frustrated many who are seeking clarity and resolution regarding Hunter Biden’s art sales and potential influence.

Heading 9: The assurance that Hunter Biden has stopped selling access is not provided.

In the efforts to bring closure to this issue, an assurance from Hunter Biden’s representatives that he has ceased selling access would go a long way. However, unfortunately, this assurance has been notably absent. The absence of this assurance only fuels the skepticism surrounding his art sales.

Heading 10: Peter, the spokesperson, refuses to answer further questions about this matter.

As the pressure mounts and the demand for answers continues, Peter, the spokesperson for Hunter Biden, has refused to answer further questions pertaining to this matter. This incomplete response only adds fuel to the fire and begs the question of what might be hiding behind closed doors.

In conclusion, the refusal to discuss matters surrounding Hunter Biden’s art sales has left many questions unanswered and created an atmosphere of suspicion. Without clear answers, concerns regarding potential influence, exploitation of connections, and selling political access continue to haun viewers. It is imperative that the silence surrounding this issue is broken, and transparency prevails to restore public trust and confidence.