‘There’s No Question About It,’ Trump Gives Stunning Response To Hunter Biden Indictment

There’s No Question About It,’ Trump Gives Stunning Response To Hunter Biden Indictment


In a surprise turn of events, former President Donald Trump recently spoke out about the indictment of Hunter Biden. The astonishing remarks came during an interview conducted by Kristen Welker for NBC’s Meet the Press. In this article, we delve into Trump’s response and the implications it may have on the ongoing investigation surrounding the Biden family. Join us as we explore the details of this intriguing development.

Trump’s Unexpected Reaction:

During the interview, Trump’s response to Hunter Biden’s indictment left many astounded. The former president expressed his sympathy for Hunter, stating that it was indeed a sad situation. This unexpected display of empathy from someone typically known for his tough rhetoric caught many off guard. Trump went on to mention that he too had been under investigation since he descended the escalator and announced his candidacy for president back in 2015.

Two Systems of Justice:

One significant point Trump brought up was the existence of what he believes are two systems of justice. According to him, some individuals receive harsher treatment while others seem to elude consequences. This sentiment has resonated with a segment of the population that feels justice is not blind. Trump’s remarks give rise to questions about whether political pressure played a role in Hunter Biden’s indictment or if it was purely based on the evidence presented.

The Sadness of the Situation:

Trump reiterated his sympathy for Hunter Biden, acknowledging the hardships he is currently facing. From the former president’s point of view, the situation surrounding the indictment is rather distressing. He expressed his concern for the Biden family and the toll this ordeal might be taking on them. By taking a compassionate stance, Trump showcased a side that is often overshadowed by his public persona.

Possible Political Influence:

The indictment of Hunter Biden raises questions about potential political influence. Critics argue that the timing of the indictment and the ongoing investigation could be a result of political motivations. However, it is important to note that there is no concrete evidence supporting this claim. Only a thorough investigation will reveal whether political pressure played a role in the indictment or if it was purely based on the facts and evidence presented to the grand jury.

More Indictments on the Horizon:

Another noteworthy aspect of this interview was Trump’s mention of potential further indictments. The special counsel overseeing the investigation into Hunter Biden and his dealings has stated that there may be more charges to come. This revelation has left many speculating about the extent of the investigation’s reach and whether it will uncover connections to President Joe Biden himself.


In conclusion, former President Donald Trump’s stunning response to Hunter Biden’s indictment has caused quite a stir. With his unexpected display of sympathy and remarks about two systems of justice, Trump has brought additional attention to an already controversial situation. As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen whether political pressure played a role in the indictment and if more charges will be brought forward. This development undoubtedly adds another layer of intrigue to the ongoing scrutiny surrounding the Biden family.

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