The Truth About A.I.

The Truth About A.I.

In todays digital era Artificial Intelligence (A.I) has become an inseparable part of our lives. It has penetrated every aspect of our daily routine and transformed the way we live work and communicate. But with its growing use there is a rising concern about the credibility of the information produced by it. This article delves into the truth about A.I and its impact on our perception of reality.


The use of A.I is not new. It has been around for a while now and with the advancement of technology it has become more refined and accessible to the masses. From personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars A.I is changing our world. However the more we rely on it the more we should be aware of its limitations and potential bias.

A.I and Bias

In recent years the use of A.I has given rise to concerns about its inherent bias. The bias of the creator can be found in their creations including A.I like GPT or Googles Bard. This bias can skew answers towards a specific bias so its important to use common sense while interpreting results.

Moreover using A.I-generated content can lead to people being misled. The speaker expresses concern about the possibility of people believing false information presented by A.I. Therefore it is of utmost importance to verify the information presented by A.I and use common sense in interpreting results.

A.I and Social Media

One America News Network (OANN) offers exclusive full-length content on their website and live app. The news network has also introduced Free Talk a new social media platform that allows free speech without shadowbanning. Its a bold move given the current state of social media censorship and its an exciting prospect for those who want to express their views without fear of being silenced.

OANN can also be found on Facebook Twitter Instagram and KlowdTV. This expanded reach is beneficial for viewers looking for a different perspective and an unbiased approach to news reporting.

Common Sense

The importance of common sense is emphasized in interpreting information presented by A.I. While it can help with everyday tasks and streamline the decision-making process it is important to remember that A.I is just a tool. The user needs to apply their own critical thinking skills to interpret and analyze the results produced. The conversation seems to address issues of ethnicity and rugged individualism further highlighting the importance of common sense.


In conclusion A.I has revolutionized the way we live work and communicate. However it is important to remember that it is just a tool that needs to be used alongside common sense. With the advancing technology it is becoming more important to verify the information produced by A.I and double-check the interpretation of results. OANN is one network that offers an unbiased approach to news reporting and allows for free speech through their new social media platform Free Talk. Its a step in the right direction towards safeguarding our right to information and free speech.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews