The SHOCKING Lies Biden Told Gold-Star Families

Are you ready to uncover the shocking lies that Biden told gold-star families? Prepare to be astounded as we delve into the disturbing truth behind the promises made and broken. In this blog post, we will present you with the undeniable evidence, revealing the extent of betrayal these families have experienced. Brace yourself, as we expose the deceits that have left gold-star families questioning the integrity of our nation’s leader. It’s time to shed light on the lies and demand accountability.


In a recent Congressional forum for Gold Star families, organized by Daryl Issa, several parents stepped up to speak about the devastating situation in Afghanistan. The forum became a platform for these brave parents to voice their criticisms and concerns, highlighting the heartbreaking impact of President Biden’s decision to withdraw American troops from Afghanistan. Let’s dive into the shocking lies Biden told Gold-Star families and explore the heart-wrenching stories shared by those directly affected.

  1. Cheryl Rex Calls Out Biden’s Heartlessness:

    • Lance Corporal Dylan Morola’s mother, Cheryl Rex, expressed her disappointment in President Biden for his heartlessness.
    • She criticized the Commander-in-chief and his administration for failing to honor her son’s name adequately.
    • Rex highlighted the lack of respect shown towards the sacrifices made by her son and other fallen soldiers.
  2. Darren Hoover Demands Resignations:

    • Darren Hoover, another parent who lost his child in Afghanistan, passionately called out the administration for their lack of accountability.
    • Hoover specifically targeted Secretary Blinken, Secretary Austin, General Milley, General McKenzie, and Lieutenant Colonel Whited, demanding their immediate resignation.
    • He emphasized that their sons and daughters possessed more integrity than all those combined and deserved better leadership.
  3. Biden’s Lack of Responsibility:

    • The forum shed light on the lack of responsibility taken by President Biden concerning the Afghan withdrawal.
    • Many Gold Star parents expressed their disappointment in Biden’s failure to acknowledge and rectify the dire situation that arose from the withdrawal.
    • The president’s inability to assume responsibility deeply affected these grieving parents.
  4. Multiple Failures and Mistakes:

    • The forum brought to the forefront the numerous failures and mistakes made during the Afghan withdrawal.
    • The Gold Star families highlighted the lack of proper planning, the hasty decision-making, and the devastating consequences of these actions.
    • The parents emphasized that these errors cost them the lives of their loved ones and demanded accountability.
  5. The Worst Leadership in American History:

    • The leadership of President Biden was criticized as the worst in American history by several Gold Star parents.
    • The forum provided a platform for these parents to voice their frustration with the president’s decisions, which they believed led to unnecessary loss of American lives.
    • It was evident that the grief-stricken parents felt betrayed and let down by the lack of integrity shown by the current administration.

In conclusion, the Congressional forum for Gold Star families served as an opportunity for parents who lost their children in Afghanistan to speak out about the heartbreaking and shocking lies told by President Biden himself. These parents called for accountability, demanded resignations, and highlighted the failures and mistakes made during the Afghan withdrawal. Their raw emotions and stories showcased the devastating impact of these lies and underscored the urgent need for truthful and responsible leadership. The forum was a grim reminder that the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers must never be forgotten or brushed aside.