THE RECKONING: Biden Crime Family​

The United States of America has always been known for upholding justice and bringing criminals to the book. Corruption irrespective of the culprit has never been tolerated. However with the emergence of the Biden Crime Family the sanctity of the American justice system has been compromised. It is evident with the mounting evidence found against Hunter Biden Joe Biden and their entire familys corruption including reports of foreign agents buying out U.S. policy and laws. Despite the overwhelming evidence prominent Republican politicians have promised dead-end investigations. It is time for the American people to take charge and bring the Biden Crime Family to justice.

The Corruption of The Biden Crime Family:
The corruption of the Biden Crime Family is evident and widespread with numerous instances surfacing all pointing towards illegal activities. Hunter Biden the son of Joe Biden has been convicted of drug and gun crimes. He has also been found guilty of using his fathers position to increase his business opportunity. The infamous laptop scandal connects the Biden Crime Family to foreign nationals who have bribed the Bidens to secure their interests. Moreover if that was not enough recent reports have surfaced suggesting Joe Bidens indulgence in shady business deals with foreign leaders buying out U.S. policies to their advantage.

Actions to Bring Bidens to Justice:
Despite the mounting evidence against the Bidens corruption prominent Republican politicians have promised dead-end investigations. It is time for the American people to take action in their hands. Glenn Beck has outlined concrete actions that individuals can take to bring the Bidens to justice. The first step is to educate ourselves about the Biden Crime Familys corruption which can be done by reading Glenns dossier exposing the Biden Familys crimes and the actions to be taken to bring them to justice. The next step is to spread the word and raise awareness of the Biden Crime Familys corruption to our friends and family.

Live Q&A with BlazeTV subscribers:
BlazeTV will host a live Q&A with subscribers to discuss the Biden Crime Familys corruption actions we can take and how to bring them to justice. The live Q&A can be accessed through

Discounted Subscription and Newsletter Sign up:
Using the code RECKONING at checkout on BlazeTVs website will save subscribers 30% off their subscription. Additionally individuals can sign up for the newsletter to stay updated with BlazeTV on the latest developments on the Biden Crime Family and other political issues.

Social Media Presence:
Individuals can connect with BlazeTV on social media platforms including Twitter Instagram and Facebook under the handles @BlazeTV @TheBlazeTV and @BlazeMedia respectively. By following BlazeTVs social media presence subscribers can stay updated with the Biden Crime Familys investigation progress and the actions to bring them to justice.

The Biden Crime Familys corruption has become a national crisis. Despite overwhelming evidence prominent Republican politicians have promised dead-end investigations. Individual action must be taken to bring the Bidens to justice. The actions outlined can be performed by anyone and have a considerable impact on the investigation into the Biden Crime Familys corruption. With Glenn Becks dossier and BlazeTVs live Q&A and discounted subscription bringing down the Bidens has never been more accessible. Together we can bring the Biden Crime Family to justice and uphold the sanctity of the American justice system.