Did former president Barack Obama Actually take the time to explore the American jobs he lost Or is his new Netflix docu-series Working just another attempt to stay Relevant I'm rich Crenshaw for the Latest news tap subscribe below and Enable notifications Before I get to that keeping up with Financial news is essential save time by Following the tips and sources on the Noble Gold YouTube channel more than 13 000 subscribers trust noble goals Presenters to keep them informed Noblegold's YouTube channel connects the Dots for you subscribe right now now Back to the news So under President Barack Obama's watch Hundreds of thousands of U.S Manufacturing jobs were lost now the Former president has unveiled his latest Netflix docu-series called working which Explores American jobs and the changing Nature of work for millions of Americans In his series Obama can be seen visiting Families in their homes and places of Work as they express their concerns About employment and their economic Futures but with a net loss of 200 000 Manufacturing jobs under his presidency Many are questioning the credibility of Obama's new project especially with his Infamous comment during the 2016 Presidential race
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Where he asked then Presidential Candidates Donald Trump what magic wand Do you have In regards to bringing back Manufacturing jobs With working set to debut on May 17th Working being the title of his show it Begs the question how hypocritical is Obama's take on American jobs the teaser For the new Netflix documentary working Features Obama driving a car giving Inspiring speeches and generally looking Like he's really concerned about American jobs yet some might argue that Obama's concern with American jobs is Unfounded considering the damage his Presidency did to U.S Manufacturing Under President Obama the country Suffered a net loss of 200 000 Manufacturing jobs With many factories being outsourced Overseas take a look I may not think about it but we're all a Part of something larger than any single One of us and our work is one of the Forces that connects us It looks crazy downtown good morning the Kids have to tell me assist you A Revolution is happening right before our Eyes what happened if they replace you With a machine artificial intelligence Remote work spiraling inequality it can Be hard to make sense of where we're Going what if people from three
Different industries from the service Entrance to the c-suite invited us into Their lives and told us what makes a Good job good I just want to be at home my Refrigerator is full my bills is paid That's peace This job is the money supply for my Actual passion you'll never be able to Make a living in the Arts When I see a father bring his new son I'm winning it makes me feel like I Missed a lot One of Obama's most notorious comments On the loss of manufacturing jobs was Directed at then president uh Presidential candidate Donald Trump During the 2016 race in response to Trump's promise to bring jobs back Obama Mocked him by asking what magic wand do You have this question became Infamous Among Trump supporters who took it as Another example of elitist disdain for The jobless watch But For those folks who've lost their job Right now because a plant went down to Mexico You know that isn't going to make you Feel better and so what we have to do is To make sure that folks are trained for The jobs that are coming in now because Some of those jobs of the past are just Not going to come back
And when somebody says Like the person you just mentioned who I'm not going to advertise for That he's going to bring all these jobs Back Well how exactly are you going to do That what are you going to do There's there's no answer to it he just Says well I'm going I'm going to Negotiate a better deal well how What how exactly are you going to Negotiate that What magic wand do you have And usually the answer is you don't have An answer But he did didn't he in fact he had a Miraculous answer Um Barack Mr ex-president in fact he did Have a magic wand and right now we all Know it and what you see there was Basically a an understanding that in his Mind and the rest of the Liberals they Never expected Trump right so they were Preparing everybody for the inevitable And the fact that they don't want the Jobs to come back you know this is all We all know the deal we all know what's Going on here you know this is pure Propaganda on his part back then Now I'm not even sure what this is all About Probably simply a contract that's worth Money that's probably all this is plain
And simple they just can't have enough They take as much as they can from us And then they keep draining and draining And draining which is fine it's Capitalism Yet it's painfully ironic that Obama is Now focusing on documentary content About American jobs during his Presidency Obama facilitated the Importing of cheap foreign labor to Supplant Americans by handing out work Permits to illegal aliens as well as College educated foreigners as a result Many Americans lost their jobs to Foreign workers who were willing to work For Less in the teaser for his new Series Obama can be seen visiting Families in their homes and workplaces As they express their concerns about Employment and their economic futures However Many are calling this focus on American Jobs hypocritical considering the damage His presidency did to U.S manufacturing Obama attempted to stop the bleeding of Manufacturing jobs with the trade Adjustment assistance program And take back your future plan Obama's Policies on Outsourcing Taxation and Regulation strangled the American Manufacturing industry Trump's policies have reversed this Trend resulting in the creation of over Half a million new manufacturing jobs
It's no secret that Obama's new Netflix Deal Is a way for him to retain remain Relevant in the public eye since leaving The White House Obama has maintained and Maintained an active presence in media And entertainment circles He even won an Emmy for his appearance On Jerry Seinfeld's Comedians and Cars Getting Coffee his Newfound focus on Documentaries may be an attempt at Creating a lasting Legacy particularly After the controversies and Scandals That marked his presidency Despite Obama's attempt at creating Compelling and inspiring documentary Content Some are questioning the credibility of His new series working may be viewed as Just another example of his hip of his Hypocrisy especially in light of the Damage his policies did to U.S Manufacturing now U.S Netflix the new New Netflix series working Is yet another example of Obama's Hypocritical approach to American jobs While he now claims to be concerned with Working Families his policies as President Disseminated the U.S manufacturing Economy Obama's policies leaned towards Outsourcing Taxation and regulation that Strangled The American manufacturing industry
Despite his best attempts to appear Concerned with American jobs Obama's Legacy will always be marked by his Dissemination of the manufacturing Sector Which led to the loss of thousands of Jobs working may just be another attempt By Obama to remain relevant but the American people will not forget the Damage he caused to their economy Let's continue the conversation in the Comments below for the next News Network I'm rich crankshaw we'll see you uh next Time Thank you for watching that report the News is Relentless isn't it we can't Even comprehend it all let alone figure Out how it affects our finances and Majority of the time we might make Disastrous mistakes if we don't stay one Step ahead but we can save ourselves From Financial ruin if we do but where Can we find Reliable tips like these Well you got to check out Noble Gold's YouTube Channel videos by knowledgeable Presenters keep you up to date on all The latest Financial developments and Explain what they mean behind the screen How they impact your savings with over Thirteen thousand subscribers Noble gold Can help you see the forests for the Trees subscribe now to Noble Gold's YouTube channel we'll see you at the Next report for the next News Network
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