The Great Reset on STEROIDS!

The Great Reset on STEROIDS!


In recent times, there has been a lot of buzz around the term “The Great Reset.” The concept revolves around the idea of a transformative change in various aspects of our society. While the initial discussions around this topic were thought-provoking, recent developments have taken this concept to a whole new level. In this article, I aim to delve into the notion of The Great Reset on STEROIDS and explore the potential implications it might have on our future.

G20 meeting in India focused on the great reset

At the recent G20 meeting held in India, the global leaders gathered to discuss the pressing challenges faced by our world. One of the key topics that dominated the agenda was The Great Reset. The leaders acknowledged the importance of finding sustainable and inclusive solutions to navigate through the complex web of economic, social, and environmental issues.

International commitment to scale back land use

As part of The Great Reset on STEROIDS, international commitments were made to scale back land use. The effective management of land resources is crucial for the future well-being of our planet. By adopting sustainable practices and reducing excessive land exploitation, we can create a more balanced ecosystem and safeguard the biodiversity of our Earth.

Plan for international AI governance

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives has reached unprecedented levels. With advancements in technology, the need for international AI governance has become apparent. Recognizing this, the leaders at the G20 meeting put forth a comprehensive plan to regulate the ethical and responsible use of AI. The aim is to ensure that AI serves humanity’s best interests and doesn’t disrupt the delicate fabric of society.

Use of AI to promote social justice globally

One of the key driving forces behind The Great Reset on STEROIDS is the use of AI to promote social justice globally. AI has the potential to bridge the gap between the privileged and the marginalized by providing equal opportunities and access to resources. By harnessing the power of AI, we can create a level playing field and foster a more inclusive society.

Regulations for cryptocurrencies

The rise of cryptocurrencies has brought about a need for regulations to mitigate risks and ensure financial stability. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced plans to establish a framework for regulating cryptocurrencies. This step is crucial to prevent illicit activities, money laundering, and other financial crimes associated with the digital currency realm.

Portable Social Security benefits between nations

Another aspect of The Great Reset on STEROIDS is the concept of portable social security benefits between nations. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, individuals often find themselves moving across borders for education, employment, or other reasons. The leaders recognized the need to develop a system that allows individuals to carry their social security benefits with them, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in their welfare provisions.

Trillions in climate-related spending

Climate change is a global crisis that requires immediate action. To tackle this issue, trillions of dollars have been pledged for climate-related spending. This massive investment aims to accelerate the transition towards renewable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and green technologies. The Great Reset on STEROIDS seeks to address the climate crisis head-on and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.

Collaboration and research for digital currencies

The G20 leaders emphasized the importance of collaboration and research in the field of digital currencies. Recognizing the potential benefits and risks associated with cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), there was a call for further exploration and analysis. The goal is to strike a balance between innovation and stability in the realm of digital currencies.

Introduction and adoption of Central Bank digital currencies

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) have gained significant attention in recent years. The leaders at the G20 meeting acknowledged the need for further research and exploration of CBDCs. The introduction of CBDCs has the potential to revolutionize the global financial system, providing seamless transactions, increased transparency, and enhanced monetary policy tools.

Insights into the dark future theme

While The Great Reset on STEROIDS presents a promising vision for the future, it is crucial to also consider potential challenges and risks. The concept of the dark future theme explores dystopian possibilities, such as increased surveillance, erosion of privacy, and increased disparity. It is imperative that as we move forward, we strike a balance between progress and safeguarding our fundamental rights and values.


The Great Reset on STEROIDS is a bold and ambitious plan to transform various aspects of our society. From scaling back land use to promoting social justice through AI and exploring the realms of digital currencies, this comprehensive approach seeks to build a more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable world. However, it is crucial that we tread carefully and address any potential pitfalls to ensure a brighter and more prosperous future for all. Let us embark on this journey together, making wise decisions and fostering a harmonious coexistence in our rapidly changing world.