The FINAL NAIL in Clinton’s Corruption Coffin?

The Final Nail in Clintons Corruption Coffin?


For years the Clintons have been at the center of political scandals and controversies. From the Whitewater scandal to Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation their skeletons seem to keep piling up. But the latest development May be the final nail in their corruption coffin.

The Durham Report

The Durham Report revealed that the 2016 Clinton campaign fabricated the claims of Donald Trump colluding with Russia. Despite knowing the story was fabricated the FBI investigated the fake claims and even leaked it to the media causing a lot of damage to Trumps campaign and presidency. This revelation has been a major breakthrough in exposing the extent of Clintons corruption.

The report also emphasized a serious lack of analytical rigor in investigating information from politically affiliated persons and entities. This lack of oversight has been a major problem in Washington especially when the players involved are as corrupt as the Clintons.

Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck is fed up with the lack of action to hold D.C. leaders responsible for their crimes and corruption. He has been vocal about his frustrations calling for accountability and transparency in Washington. Beck believes that none of this will change until theres a Republican House and Senate with spines willing to take on the corruption and lawlessness.

Until the justice department is cleaned up there wont be a fair trial in Washington. The corruption runs deep in D.C. and many high-profile politicians including the Clintons have been able to skirt the law and avoid any consequences for their actions.

Ricky Vaughn

Ricky Vaughn an online troll who posted a pro-Trump meme is facing 10 years in prison for a crime that was considered a joke. This ridiculous example of overzealous prosecution highlights the hypocrisy of the justice system and the lack of accountability for the actual criminals in Washington.

The CIA Chief

The corruption and manipulation dont stop with just the Clintons. The CIA chief signed a letter produced only to give Biden an edge in a campaign debate. This type of behavior is not only illegal but also reveals the inner workings of the deep state and its willingness to use any means necessary to maintain power.


The final nail in Clintons corruption coffin May have been hammered in but there is still a long way to go in cleaning up the corrupt system in Washington. Hopefully the Durham Report will be a wake-up call to those who have been turning a blind eye to the rampant corruption and lawlessness in our government. Until the actual criminals are held accountable for their actions the justice system will continue to be a joke and the corruption will continue to fester.