Texas Attorney General Launches Investigation into SHADY Big Pharma

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has Launched an investigation into Pharmaceutical companies Pfizer moderna And Johnson and Johnson concerning Whether they engaged in gain of function Research and misled the public about Doing so no not big Pharma would never Do something like that uh as well as the Efficacy of the covid-19 vaccine and the Likelihood of transmitting the virus After taking the vaccine that he says Could go against the deceptive Trade Practices Act here in Texas I wanted to Bring him on the program to discuss the Latest attorney general Paxton thank you So much for being here Oh glad to be here thanks for having me On so General tell us tell us about this Investigation and what prompted you to Even think that this could possibly you Know be something that they have been That they did and covered up Yeah so we were involved in years of Litigation against federal government Whether it was over OSHA or whether it Was over uh other agencies we were Involved in litigation with state with Our uh in in the state with cities Counties school districts over Unconstitutional mandates related to Masks and vaccines and as time has gone On we've gotten more and more Information that gave us some pause and Made us think hey we need to know what

Really went on here with this with a This is not a lawsuit this is an Investigation to find out what the truth Is and so we have the power under state Law if we are operating in the deceptive Trade Practices Act to ask questions That they have an obligation to answer And so that's what we're going to do We're going to ask questions about their Trials about what they knew at the time When they knew it and see if they told Us the truth or whether there was or Whether they misled the public about the Efficacy of their vaccine so what would Be the threshold that that you would be Able to meet when it comes to the Deceptive Trade Practices Act Like what Is the threshold there that you guys Would need to prove and by the way I'm Asking this question Um really not having much confidence in Big pharmaceutical companies uh Straightforwardness with you but I'm Just I'm just wondering like I I don't Trust them I feel like they're not going To provide documents that maybe they Have and I'm I'm just wondering Um what kind of the burden of proof There is for that particular act well The problem with them not providing the Documents they have that potentially Turns into Criminal action and certainly Results in other risks for their company Involves risk for the people doing it as

Well and so if anybody in the company And any one of those companies starts Disclosing information that otherwise Was hidden that creates all kinds of Problems so they they should have some Good incentives to provide the right Information now you're right they could Decide hey we don't want to disclose Information that generally is is you Know usually the cover-ups worse than The crime so it's it's better for them Just to be honest and if they have Nothing to hide and they really have Have followed through and given Information honestly even if they turned Out to be wrong as long as they were Truthful about what they knew at the Time they're fine if they were not Truthful about what they did at time Then there will be some civil penalties And it will cost them some money but It's still better than lying and end up You know potentially in some type of Criminal action yeah how how long do you Anticipate that this type of Investigation will take before you Really start getting some answers it's Hard to say they have 30 days to respond To our initial questions but sometimes You know they need more time based on You know they'll have to give us good Reason and then other times we'll have More questions once we see their answers So they have 30 days to send it

Obviously it takes us a little time to Digest information and then we decide Hey do we have any more that we want to Ask if we do we send them more questions And that process could go back and forth A while or it May not if we determined Pretty early on there's not you know They told the truth and there's nothing Here then we just let them know it's Over you guys thank for answering our Questions if if they answer the Questions and we find that they've Misled the public then we've got Different issues that we either have to Settle with them or we have to sue them To recover the damages that they've Caused well I got to tell you when it Comes to suing and however many damages You're talking about I mean I think They're doing pretty well they probably Have a lot to uh to give over because The moderna CEO what he made nearly 400 Million last year on his stock options Uh owns a reported 2.8 billion shares in The company and uh Albert borla over at Pfizer made a 3 million in salary last Year you know off of the backs of the American public who have been I would Argue I'm not putting words in your Mouth General but I would argue were uh You know injured by these vaccines that They were selling in the American public I want to while I have you here if you Don't mind I want to talk to you about

What's going on at the border because You know title 4 obviously is set to Expire here next week we've heard really Troubling reports from representative Andy Biggs over in Arizona who says that Arizona officials are being told that There is already amassing 700 000 to a Million uh migrants who are just lying In weight in Mexico ready to rush the Border you know we've seen these scenes In El Paso where there's just I mean There's no room they're just all over Down the downtown area uh they're They're intense they're in sleeping bags Just crammed in like sardines and I want To get to get your thoughts on what what We should expect what we should Anticipate what what can Texas do right Now as we await this expiration Well it's it's pretty horrific this is The worst that's ever been and and the Biden Administration is doing everything To make it worse than it's already been Which is hard to believe that that's Their their stance but this is a reality They this is not an accident this isn't Happening because they are incompetent Or don't know what they're doing this is Happening because they want it to happen They've dismantled our immigration laws They put them aside they've set them Aside remain in Mexico Catch and Release The wall title 4 everything that works Is now going to be gone and so every

Time they've taken down one of the Protections for the American people We've gotten more of a great illegal Immigration we've got more crime we've Got more drug importation and you know Let's just be honest they are Participating in an engagement a Partnership with the cartels where they Tell the cartels you get people here We're dismantling all the rules against It you don't have to hide anymore just Bring them to us and we'll transport Them around the country mostly to Republican states because we want these People in Republican states to do what They do which has caused a lot of cost Socially and economically and so the Bind Administration is doing everything They can to promote this as possible and It leaves us in a horrible position Because we can't intervene in the Transfer of people at the border when It's going directly to the border patrol They're not hiding they're running to The border patrol not a way they're Running away from us but they're not Running to then they're running two Border patrol so it leaves us in a Terrible situation we're trying to do What we can for people who are crossing Illegally not too Border Patrol Those Are the really bad people and we're Trying to arrest them under state law And we're trying to file these lawsuits

To force Biden to enforce the laws he's Had but that's the time consuming and it Takes it just takes time to get done Yeah well uh we appreciate all of your Hard work I know I'd have to tell you This every time you're on the program But you are the very best hands down not Even close the very best attorney General in the country and we just so Appreciate you representing Texas the Way that you do Hey thanks sir have a great day thanks You too we'll talk soon So um all right so gentlemen I'm going To give you guys a chance to give your Thoughts on this investigation Um that Texas is now launching into big Pharma I would love to I hate that it's Is it just Texas it's just it is just Ken Paxton so that's yes Texas that's Very disappointing um well the way that They should be doing this and the way They should be fighting back is they Should be forming a coalition so we talk About parallel economies we talk about You know uh I don't know how I want to Say it I don't I don't want to go too Far with it but you know just I guess Just the the splintering of America we Have to make sure that the sides are Very very clear here and these gov these Red State Governors and the rest in These red State uh attorney generals They also need to make that very very

Clear so there why isn't Florida joining In with this all the other different red States they should all be going together As a coalition I want to see them form a Coalition and all move as one on things Like this but I love what he's doing I Just want to see more participation yeah John yeah I completely agree there's way Too much infighting on the right at all Oh gosh yes the left just marches down The field and the right's like oh well Look at this book and oh let's talk About this issue and I like debate and It's like what what possibly could be More important than the big Pharma stuff Or if you're you know in Arizona or New Mexico or Texas like the southern border I mean nothing is more important than This I don't know what these people do All day yeah Um yeah well we'll go we're gonna go to Break here in a second but it is it is Interesting John because I do feel like Very recently there has been this very Dark energy surrounding the conservative Movement General only speaking and like You go on Twitter and they're all Sniping at each other and tearing each Other down and it like it really does it Feels I'm just saying I feel a very dark Energy like over the entire movement Um and it's very disheartening to see if You like that clip there is plenty more

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