Target’s Deception: False Promises on LGBT Children’s Merchandise Exposed!

Targets Deception: False Promises on LGBT Childrens Merchandise Exposed!


Benny Johnson a conservative podcaster recently captured footage of Target selling LGBT-themed childrens merchandise despite promises to remove them. Target has faced severe criticism and a $10 billion loss in market value. The push for Targets PRIDE merchandise continues and this situation raises questions about prioritizing agenda over fiscal responsibility. There May be something sinister at play. Lets dive deeper into the story.

False Promises Exposed

Target a well-known retail giant announced in 2016 that it would stop selling gender-based merchandise. However the promise seems to be not kept in the LGBT-themed section of its website. Benny Johnsons footage showed displays in Target stores featuring Pride shirts hats and other childrens merchandise.

The Push for Targets PRIDE Merchandise Continues

The push for PRIDE merchandise seems to be ongoing at Target. While this is not necessarily a bad thing the retailer is under scrutiny for its broken promise to remove gender-based merchandise. Selling PRIDE merchandise to children could be seen as promoting an agenda. While its important to celebrate diversity it should not be at the expense of honesty and integrity.

Prioritizing Agenda over Fiscal Responsibility

Targets promise to remove gender-based merchandise was based on a desire for inclusivity. However selling LGBT-themed childrens merchandise could be seen as pushing an agenda. Target May be more interested in appealing to certain customers than making a responsible fiscal decision. This could be a serious mistake.

Something Sinister at Play?

There might be something sinister at play in Targets decision to keep selling LGBT-themed childrens merchandise. The company May be putting its political agenda ahead of its customers interest. Target has already lost a significant amount of market value and this decision could harm it even more.


Targets deception on LGBT childrens merchandise shows a serious lack of integrity. The company May be putting its political agenda ahead of its customers interest. This kind of behavior could cause more harm than good to the company. Its important to hold corporations accountable for their decisions especially if they are dishonest and put their bottom line ahead of social responsibility.

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