Target Practice With Bud Light: Go Woke Get Smoked


Target practice is one of the most interesting aspects of shooting. It requires skill precision and a steady aim. The best way to enjoy target practice is with a cold beer by your side. In fact shooting cans of beer has become a popular pastime for many gun enthusiasts. But what happens when your target practice involves a Bud Light? Thats where things get interesting. In this article we will explore the unique experience of shooting a Bud Light can and how it relates to the popular phrase go woke get smoked.

Shooting a Bud Light: The Experience

Shooting cans of soda or beer is nothing new. Its been a popular activity for years. But when you add Bud Light to the mix something changes. The crispness of the beer the sound it makes when it hits the ground and the satisfaction of watching it explode into a million pieces all make for a thrilling experience. Whether youre a seasoned shooter or a beginner shooting a Bud Light is an experience like no other.

An Incident That Could Have Ended Someones Career

While shooting cans of beer is generally considered safe accidents can happen. In 201 an incident occurred that could have ended someones career. During a target shooting session a group of friends were shooting at cans of beer when one of them accidentally shot and injured another friend. Fortunately the incident was not fatal but it serves as a reminder that even though target practice is fun it should always be done safely and responsibly.

What Does Go Woke Get Smoked Mean?

The phrase go woke get smoked has become increasingly popular in recent years. The term is often used to describe what happens when a business or individual takes a political stance that is not in line with the beliefs of their customers or audience. The idea is that by taking a stance that goes against the mainstream the business or individual is risking losing support from their fans or clients. The phrase can be seen as a warning against pushing agendas that are not in line with the majority.

The Benny Show

The Benny Show is a podcast hosted by Benny Johnson an American journalist and commentator. The show covers a range of topics including politics culture and current events. Each week Benny has a range of guests on the show all with varying political beliefs and opinions. The show has gained a loyal following with many fans tuning in each week to hear Bennys unique blend of humor insight and commentary.

Where to Follow Benny

If youre a fan of The Benny Show there are a few ways you can stay up to date with all the latest episodes and news. First you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or any other podcast platform. This will ensure that you never miss an episode. Second you can sign up for The Benny Newsletter. This will give you access to exclusive content special deals and sneak peeks of upcoming episodes. Finally you can follow Benny on his social media channels including Twitter Instagram and Facebook.


Target practice with Bud Light is an experience that few can forget. The combination of shooting and drinking makes for a fun and exciting time. But as with any activity involving firearms safety should always be the top priority. The phrase go woke get smoked serves as a warning to those who take political stances that are not aligned with the majority. The Benny Show is a great podcast that covers a range of interesting topics and there are plenty of ways to follow Benny and stay up to date with all the latest news.

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About the Author: realpeoplerealnews