Drug Testing With Trans Athletes

Drug Testing With Trans Athletes

Drug Testing With Trans Athletes Introduction: As the world of sports continues to evolve and become more inclusive, there are always new challenges and controversies that arise. One such issue revolves around drug testing with transgender athletes. In recent news,…

Cruz Stuns Human Rights Campaign President by Asking a Simple Preschool-Level Question!

Cruz Stuns Human Rights Campaign President by Asking a Simple Preschool-Level Question!

Introduction: I have been keeping up with the latest news and recent Senate hearings, where Senator Ted Cruz questioned Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson on the biological differences between men and women in sports. I believe this encounter was…

Professional Athlete's CRINGE Apology to Activists

Professional Athlete’s CRINGE Apology to Activists

Professional Athlete’s CRINGE Apology to Activists Introduction Recently‚ there has been a lot of talk on social media platforms regarding a video by BlazeTV that features professional athlete Chad Prather apologizing for his hurtful comments about the Pride community. Though…

C-SPAN Callers WRECK Trans Journalist Trying to RUIN Women's Sports

C-SPAN Callers WRECK Trans Journalist Trying to RUIN Women’s Sports

Let's hear from Joe in Virginia Republican line for Aaron Reed good Morning Good morning I have a couple points First off you have little boys two years Old they think they're little girls Little girls three years old think…

The Truth About Women's Sports in America

The Truth About Women’s Sports in America

Fire started Women's sports Do not suffer from a lack of support They suffer from a lack of Interest This has been the case since 1972 And The implementation of Title IX the Federal legislation that prohibits Sex-based discrimination within…

Can We Include Trans Athletes?

Can We Include Trans Athletes?

Trans Women vs Women in Sports

Trans Women vs Women in Sports

How To Learn Forex Trading With 5 Simple Steps The Forex has ended up being a really appealing market also for newbies that do not posses much trading experience. The…

DeSantis BANS Transgenders Competing in Women’s Sports on First Day of “Pride Month”

DeSantis BANS Transgenders Competing in Women’s Sports on First Day of “Pride Month”

Megan Rapinoe Is STILL Complaining About Not Being Paid Enough | Pat Gray Unleashed

Megan Rapinoe Is STILL Complaining About Not Being Paid Enough | Pat Gray Unleashed