Surprising Events Unfold at Biden’s Press Conference in Kenya

Surprising Events Unfold at Biden’s Press Conference in Kenya Introduction Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the whirlwind of events that recently took place at Biden’s press conference in Kenya? Hold onto your seat because things got pretty…

This FAILED Prison Policy is Destroying American Schools

This FAILED Prison Policy is Destroying American Schools

[Music] Thank you The collapse of quality in American Public education is no secret and the Causes are legion every year our public Schools graduate students who can barely Read or write and have no hope of Finding any Nation…

SF Liberals Say Robbery's Not a Problem

SF Liberals Say Robbery’s Not a Problem

Biden Accuser Tara Reade FIRES BACK after Nancy Pelosi Claims She “Stands with Survivors”

Biden Accuser Tara Reade FIRES BACK after Nancy Pelosi Claims She “Stands with Survivors”