Whoopi Goldberg's STUPIDITY on Full Display When Her Trump Smear FAILS

Whoopi Goldberg’s Failed Attempt to Criticize Trump Exposes Her Lack of Understanding

Whoopi Goldberg’s Failed Attempt to Criticize Trump Exposes Her Lack of Understanding Introduction Hey there, folks! Today, I’m diving into the intriguing world of politics, particularly touching on the recent video by BlazeTV that dissects Whoopi Goldberg’s criticism of none…

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules in Favor of Trump, Leading to Humiliation of Liberal Critics

Supreme Court Unanimously Rules in Favor of Trump, Leading to Humiliation of Liberal Critics Introduction In a recent groundbreaking decision, the Supreme Court sent shockwaves through the political arena by unanimously ruling in favor of former President Donald Trump. The…

Mark Levin: The Primary is OVER and Nikki Haley Needs to DROP OUT

Introduction In this article, I will share my thoughts on a recent YouTube video I watched where Mark Levin discusses Donald Trump’s victory in the New Hampshire Primary. According to Levin, Trump is not only leading significantly but also poised…