WAROOM: Steve Bannon and James O'Keefe talk about the future of journalism in America

WAROOM: Steve Bannon and James O’Keefe talk about the future of journalism in America


James O'Keefe & Fox News' Maria Bartiromo discuss #ExposeFauci docs and new book American Muckraker

James O’Keefe & Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo discuss #ExposeFauci docs and new book American Muckraker

Sen. Roger Marshall Demands Dr. Fauci Release All Gain of Function Records After Veritas Bombshell

Sen. Roger Marshall Demands Dr. Fauci Release All Gain of Function Records After Veritas Bombshell

Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci

Military Documents about Gain of Function contradict Fauci testimony under oath #ExposeFauci

Victor Davis Hanson Calls Out Irony of FBI Raids on Project Veritas & leaks to The New York Times

Victor Davis Hanson Calls Out Irony of FBI Raids on Project Veritas & leaks to The New York Times

CNN stays SILENT: Cooper, Blitzer & Tapper refuse comment on disgraced former producer Rick Saleeby

CNN stays SILENT: Cooper, Blitzer & Tapper refuse comment on disgraced former producer Rick Saleeby

RETRACTO 351: Politico's Sam Stein forced to DELETE tweet claiming Veritas Extorted Joe Biden

RETRACTO 351: Politico’s Sam Stein forced to DELETE tweet claiming Veritas Extorted Joe Biden

FOX NEWS MEDIA BUZZ: Tapper Producer Rick Saleeby Resigns From CNN Following Veritas Reporting

FOX NEWS MEDIA BUZZ: Tapper Producer Rick Saleeby Resigns From CNN Following Veritas Reporting

NY Supreme Court Justice ‘Both The New York Times And Project Veritas Are Media Organizations'

NY Supreme Court Justice ‘Both The New York Times And Project Veritas Are Media Organizations’

Facebook Presentation Secrets for Social Media With Facebook and also social networks, in my opinion, both most essential secrets to regular publishing are presentation and timing. Composing and also posting…

James O’Keefe reads the preface of his new book American Muckraker - Preorder now!

James O’Keefe reads the preface of his new book American Muckraker – Preorder now!

Florence Nightingale – “The Lady With the Lamp” You can only submit entirely new text for analysis once every 7 seconds. Without Pity What Ever Happened To These 4 Basics…

Federal Judge Orders Special Master Over FBI Seizing O'Keefe Phones, Cites “Journalistic Privilege”

Federal Judge Orders Special Master Over FBI Seizing O’Keefe Phones, Cites “Journalistic Privilege”

What James O’Keefe found at a “Rise and Resist” Protest outside NYYR Gala

What James O’Keefe found at a “Rise and Resist” Protest outside NYYR Gala

NEVER SEEN BEFORE: CNN's Charlie Chester on "conflict of interest" between Cuomo brothers

NEVER SEEN BEFORE: CNN’s Charlie Chester on “conflict of interest” between Cuomo brothers

RETRACTO 350: New York Daily News' Rocco Parascandola forced to RETRACT claim of ‘false reports’

RETRACTO 350: New York Daily News’ Rocco Parascandola forced to RETRACT claim of ‘false reports’

Insider Leaks CBS Affiliate Exec Don Smith email with ‘hoax’ claim over Veritas voter fraud story

Insider Leaks CBS Affiliate Exec Don Smith email with ‘hoax’ claim over Veritas voter fraud story

James O’Keefe discusses NYT case with Columbia Journalism Professor

James O’Keefe discusses NYT case with Columbia Journalism Professor

James O’Keefe discusses NYT case with Columbia Journalism Professor

James O’Keefe discusses NYT case with Columbia Journalism Professor

O’Keefe Dissects NYT Inadvertent Error Excuse for Publishing of Veritas Attorney Privileged Docs

O’Keefe Dissects NYT Inadvertent Error Excuse for Publishing of Veritas Attorney Privileged Docs

FOX NEWS MISS OF THE WEEK: DOJ/FBI raids Project Veritas

FOX NEWS MISS OF THE WEEK: DOJ/FBI raids Project Veritas

FOX NEWS: Media Outlets Call Out FBI's Project Veritas Raid

FOX NEWS: Media Outlets Call Out FBI’s Project Veritas Raid