Embrace the Jiggle?

Embrace the Jiggle?

Embrace the Jiggle? Introduction In a thought-provoking video, the issue of fatness and body image is brought under the spotlight. The speaker argues that being overweight is unhealthy and should not be normalized. The video stresses the importance of addressing…

This is Actually Sad.

This is Actually Sad.

Introduction Are you ready to dive into a heart-wrenching and emotionally charged topic? Brace yourself because we’re about to discuss a YouTube video on BlazeTV that will leave you feeling a rollercoaster of emotions. In this article, we will explore…

Air Conditioning Hot Take

Air Conditioning Hot Take

Introduction Welcome to our hot take on air conditioning! We’d like to take a moment to delve into the fascinating topic of air conditioning and share our thoughts on why it has become such a vital part of modern life.…

Would YOU be Straight For a Day?

Would YOU be Straight For a Day?

Would YOU be Straight For a Day? Introduction If you have ever questioned your sexuality or wondered what it would be like to experience life as a different sexual orientation, you are not alone. As society becomes more accepting and…

Slave Away for TRANS People?!

Slave Away for TRANS People?!

Introduction In today’s society, there is a growing debate about the extent to which individuals should support and assist transgender (trans) people. While it is important to acknowledge the challenges that trans individuals face, there is a need to approach…

Whiteness is A Cult??!

Whiteness is A Cult??!

Introduction: Recent events have brought to light the dangers of whiteness in American society. From the video of the city bike incident involving a dispute between a black man and white woman‚ to the cognitive dissonance displayed by the white…

WTF: Trans Male "Breastfeeds" | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 6/1/23

WTF: Trans Male “Breastfeeds” | Pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen | 6/1/23

WTF: Trans Male “Breastfeeds” – Is it Real‚ Safe & Ethical? If you think you have seen everything in this world‚ then think again. A transgender man has claimed to be lactating and successfully produced breast milk‚ which he fed…

Woke TikTok That Will Hurt Your Brain

Woke TikTok That Will Hurt Your Brain

Introduction Our world is incredibly diverse‚ and today’s generations are more accepting than ever before. Social media platforms like TikTok allow people to express themselves and share their thoughts and ideas in front of a vast audience. However‚ this newfound…

White People Want To Bring Back Slavery???

White People Want To Bring Back Slavery???

I think about the fact that way people Have continuously when given the Opportunity oppressed multiple Marginalized communities and I think About the fact how easy it is for them To do it again like if they really want To…

Women Are Envious of Trans Women???

Women Are Envious of Trans Women???

CIS women Seek me as the best of both worlds Men chase after me Hence the term chaser I have married men who slide into my DMs I have men with girlfriends who slide Into my DMs Because they secretly…

If Conservatives Ever Talked Like This...

If Conservatives Ever Talked Like This…

Go out buy a gun learn how to use it wow Efficiently through and through Because The time to act is now You need to protect yourself and you Need to protect your fellow transgender Brothers and sisters and days…

Men CANNOT Have Periods!

Men CANNOT Have Periods!

Okay so the verdict definitely seems to Be in on this one uh trans women have Periods and that fills me with great Relief because that was really scary Pain that I've never experienced before In my life the the…

Trans "Woman's" ENTITLEMENT Is Shocking

Trans “Woman’s” ENTITLEMENT Is Shocking

As a 43 year old transgender woman who Has dropped down from about 180 pounds To 145 pounds I can tell you when I go To the bathroom I feel vulnerable And the biggest thing that's made me Feel recently…

Puberty is "Mutilation"?

Puberty is “Mutilation”?

The thing that gets me about the Anti-trans conservative rhetoric around Like puberty blockers for Trans kids is That if they really did care about Making sure children weren't being Mutilated or weren't being like coerced They would be the…

TikTok Mom Indoctrinates 4 Year Old Son for Internet Fame | @Slightly Offens*ve

TikTok Mom Indoctrinates 4 Year Old Son for Internet Fame | @Slightly Offens*ve

Intersex Trans Satanist DEMANDS You Bow Down | @Slightly Offens*ve

Intersex Trans Satanist DEMANDS You Bow Down | @Slightly Offens*ve

Roasting CRINGE Liberal TikToks | Slightly Offens*ve

Roasting CRINGE Liberal TikToks | Slightly Offens*ve