gig workers and self employed act now

Gig Economy Tax Secret Revealed: How to Claim Your Cut

1099 Workers, Heed This Warning – You Could be Due a Windfall Have you worked for yourself or have you been doing gig work since 2020? Maybe driving or selling…

Warning small business refund

IRS Sends out Urgent Notice to Millions of Self Employed Americans | Did Biden Break His $400K Pledge?

While Joe Biden promised at the time that his new tax regime would not target anyone making over $ 400,000, it appears that in reality, working-class Americans will be the ones to bear the brunt of this new change.

IT’S REAL! IRS Tax Refunds & Audits… IRS Deploys AI 2023 & 2024

IT’S REAL! IRS Tax Refunds & Audits… IRS Deploys AI 2023 & 2024

Introduction In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s no surprise that even the IRS is embracing technology to streamline its processes. In a recent announcement, the IRS revealed its plans to restore fairness to the tax system by deploying…

How the IRS Is WEAPONIZED Against Us

How the IRS Is WEAPONIZED Against Us

Ah Stu I have known you for 27 years that can't be possible really About that oh it's not that long is it It's almost I hope not yeah well 25 weird something like Anyway too long Too long we've…

'Less Cash Back': Latest IRS Records Reveal Shocking Dip In Refund Size This Year!

‘Less Cash Back’: Latest IRS Records Reveal Shocking Dip In Refund Size This Year!