Huge Controversy Erupts! Randi Weingarten's New DHS Assignment Sparks Massive Outcry

Huge Controversy Erupts! Randi Weingarten’s New DHS Assignment Sparks Massive Outcry

Introduction: As an SEO content writer, I am here to talk about the immense controversy that has arisen after Randi Weingarten’s appointment to the Department of Homeland Security School Safety Board. In this article, I will delve into the details…

Governor Youngkin Calls Out Teachers Union Lies on School Closures across America

Governor Youngkin Calls Out Teachers Union Lies on School Closures across America

As the pandemic ravaged the world the American populace had to make tough Decisions including how to ensure that Children continue to receive an Education unfortunately the American Federation of teachers president Randy Weingarten actively worked against the Reopening of…

Youngkin Accuses Weingarten of Lying about School Closures

Youngkin Accuses Weingarten of Lying about School Closures

Top news right now Virginia governor Glenn Younkin has criticized the American Federation of teachers President Randy Weingarten for Deflecting the blame for school closings During the pandemic yankin argued that The teachers union wanted schools closed Which has had…