Buttigieg Acts Desperate After Devastating New Poll

Buttigieg Acts Desperate After Devastating New Poll

Introduction: In a recent video created by BlazeTV, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg finds himself under pressure to address a devastating new poll that indicates a significant portion of Americans feel worse off under President Biden. As the road to…

GOP Rep. Pushes Buttigieg to Implement 25th Amendment Due to Biden's Mental Health

GOP Rep. Pushes Buttigieg to Implement 25th Amendment Due to Biden’s Mental Health

Get Paid For Learning About Cypto Don’t Buy Crypto, Gold, Stocks or Real Estate Buy This! I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help | See How Here Protect…

Psaki SNAPS When Reporter Asks Why Buttigieg Has Been on 2 Month Paternity Leave

Psaki SNAPS When Reporter Asks Why Buttigieg Has Been on 2 Month Paternity Leave