Electric Cars Pose Serious Risk #shorts

Electric Cars Pose Serious Risk #shorts

With the massive batteries found in Vehicles like the GMC Hummer and Audi E-tron SUV weighing in at thousands of Pounds each Structural Engineers and building Regulators are concerned older parking Garages are not equipped to withstand The extra weight…

Experts Warn: Electric Cars Pose Serious Structural Risk

Experts Warn: Electric Cars Pose Serious Structural Risk

A shocking new warning has emerged that Electric cars could potentially cause Parking garage collapses similar to the Tragic one in New York City earlier this Week I'm rich crankshaw news breaks fast to Make sure to catch it when…

Parking Garage Collapses in NYC

Parking Garage Collapses in NYC

Look at That I mean the cars just collapsed in And wow they're climbing up you see them They're searching one person is dead Fiverr injured oh no really Um now we have not heard How this happened well you're…