MONTHS after Antifa Took over Portland, the Mayor is JUST Now Wanting to Take Action

MONTHS after Antifa Took over Portland, the Mayor is JUST Now Wanting to Take Action

Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING

Portland UNRECOGNIZABLE as Antifa, BLM Storm through the Streets Destroying EVERYTHING

Portland’s mayor extends state of emergency amid Antifa, BLM terror after Chauvin trial

PORTLAND, OR – APRIL 20: Portland police stand guard as tensions rise with a small group of protesters on April 20, 2021 in Portland, United States. ( Photo by Paula…

Another riot declared in Portland, Ore.

In this photo released by Portland Police Bureau, Portland police lined up outside of the Penumbra Kelly Building in downtown Portland, Ore., Monday, April 12, 2021. (Portland Police Bureau via…

INSURRECTION? Antifa Thugs Set Fire to Federal ICE Facility With People Still Inside

INSURRECTION? Antifa Thugs Set Fire to Federal ICE Facility With People Still Inside

Dem Governor is Ready to Fight in her City But There’s Just one BIG Problem

Dem Governor is Ready to Fight in her City But There’s Just one BIG Problem

Leo Terrell UNLEASHES on Liberals in Oregon for Renaming of “Offensive” HS Mascot

Leo Terrell UNLEASHES on Liberals in Oregon for Renaming of “Offensive” HS Mascot

Media Blackout: Antifa ATTACKS Peaceful Protesters in Oregon

Media Blackout: Antifa ATTACKS Peaceful Protesters in Oregon