Top Biden Official says ‘Gun Violence’ is a "Public Health Crisis"

Top Biden Official Declares ‘Gun Violence’ as a Urgent Public Health Crisis

Top Biden Official Declares ‘Gun Violence’ as an Urgent Public Health Crisis Introduction In a recent video released by BlazeTV, a top Biden official made a groundbreaking declaration regarding ‘Gun Violence’ in the United States. This bold statement has sent…

Can YOU Guess which U.S. Senator is Connected to the Worst Dictators?

Identify the U.S. Senator Linked to the Most Notorious Dictators – Can You Guess?

Identifying the U.S. Senator Linked to the Most Notorious Dictators – Can You Guess? Introduction Hey there, folks! Today, I am diving into some controversial waters to uncover the mysterious link between a prominent U.S. Senator and some of the…

Herschel Walker: This is what I have to say to Obama

Herschel Walker: This is what I have to say to Obama

Georgia Senate Candidate Herschel Walker explains why opponent Raphael Warnock is a Marxist, why Barack Obama is wrong about what he said about him, & what he will change when he gets in office – via. Rob Schmitt Tonight on…

LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa & Feminism Are All Marxist | @Jason Whitlock

LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa & Feminism Are All Marxist | @Jason Whitlock

Marxist Methods: Debunking the Left's LIES About Critical Race Theory | Ep 123

Marxist Methods: Debunking the Left’s LIES About Critical Race Theory | Ep 123

Dear Black People: Jason Whitlock Explains the Marxist Agenda Behind Race Controversies

Dear Black People: Jason Whitlock Explains the Marxist Agenda Behind Race Controversies

Mark Levin: These Are Islamist American Marxists

Mark Levin: These Are Islamist American Marxists

Mark Levin: BLM EXPOSED as Black Liberal Marxists

Mark Levin: BLM EXPOSED as Black Liberal Marxists

US Military COMPROMISED! Whistleblower Comes Forward with DISTURBING Revelation of Biden’s Plans

US Military COMPROMISED! Whistleblower Comes Forward with DISTURBING Revelation of Biden’s Plans

Mark Levin: Standing Up to Marxism Is the Fight for America’s Soul

Mark Levin: Standing Up to Marxism Is the Fight for America’s Soul

Mark Levin: Biden’s Marxist Plan Will OBLITERATE the Middle Class

Mark Levin: Biden’s Marxist Plan Will OBLITERATE the Middle Class