FBI Director Needs a Cold Beer After Getting Chewed Out by MTG
Introduction As we sat in the House Homeland Security Hearing, we couldn’t help but feel the weight of responsibility upon our shoulders. The death of innocent Americans in our district, caused by a 17-year-old associated with the Cartels who was…

Marjorie Taylor Greene Destroys Teachers Union Pres. for Supporting School Closures During Covid
But the other problem is is you had no Business advising the CDC what the Medical guidelines were for school Closures because now we have a nation of School children who have suffered Because of it thank you Mr chairman…

MTG ALLEGES the Biden Family Has ‘Created a Vast Criminal Enterprise’
Disneyland announced late last week that They are going to host a first ever Pride night as part of the Park's after Dark series for two nights in June yeah Yes we've all been clamoring for it now It's here…

Wild Sequence: MTG Gets Speaking Rights REVOKED After Ripping Into Swalwell and Mayorkas
That is why it is so important that law Enforcement leaders continue to Communicate their nobility the nobility Of the law enforcement profession I'm Very proud to say that and does Anti-police rhetoric put Targets on the Back of law…
Matt Gaetz Makes Liberal Heads EXPLODE with Press Conference on Jan. 6